Feminists Are Angry With Biden – IOTW Report

Feminists Are Angry With Biden

The DC Patriot:

Hey look everyone, Biden’s even pissing off the feminists in America. That’s right, he’s went so far that the feminists who voted for him are now lashing out against him, and it hasn’t even been a week.

Biden as you know last week signed an executive order that removes any legal recognition of the two sexes and eliminates crucial protections for women in the federal government and beyond.

Feminists from the Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) are condemning President Joe Biden’s executive order, and as they should. Allowing men to shower with women is absolutely wrong in schools, workplace, etc. It’s setting things up for an absolute nightmare of rapes and horrific incidents in America. more

23 Comments on Feminists Are Angry With Biden

  1. “Sign and share this letter to @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris asking them to protect LGB rights as well as women’s!”

    So how are they a “feminist” group if their primary (first) concern is for the sexual alphabet people, and NOT women?

  2. I have said this here before and will say it again.
    It won’t be long until a man-girl breaks the 4 minute mile “for the first time.”
    They will be celebrated like the first moon landing.
    Of course in 15-20 years when a woman has the genetics, training, coaching, shoe technology to get it done, they will be a lousy footnote.
    Shoe manufacturers pay big bucks for world records.
    This poor woman won’t get a dime.

    Bwahahaha! SUCK ON THAT FEMS, S U C K O N T H A T !!!!

  3. Finally!
    Men will provide support, but we cannot fix this.
    The women of America need to get mad.
    They need to protest.
    Burn the phone lines.
    Remember when they all wore their pussy hats and burned down Washington on Trump’s first day?
    – They protested against the guy that protected women from the crazy Left.

  4. Where the hell were these people and what the fuck were they doing during the run-up to the election?! Biden did not hide this shit — anyone who was paying attention knew that this was on his agenda. What were they voting for, then, if not this???

  5. We all know that Joe is a pedophile along with Humper. He has opened the door to sex offenders, pedophiles, rapists, stalkers, so there’s equality through misery. It’s delicious to watch these feminists get pissed at what they voted for. I’m not letting this bother me, it affects those squealing. Get over your emotions, they mean nothing.

  6. ^^^^^ What about Justine Turdeau? ^^^^^^^

    see how he sits with his knees together?

    I’d say that 99.9% of liberal males sit with their legs together or crossed. They have no balls to get crushed. Obummer is a good example, and his male counterpart the Mooche struts like a linebacker.


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