Ferguson police officer suspended; called Michael Brown memorial ‘pile of trash’ — then lied about it – IOTW Report

Ferguson police officer suspended; called Michael Brown memorial ‘pile of trash’ — then lied about it

After the *pile of trash was struck by a car, WAPO called the station for a comment. This is what the suspended spokesman said –

“I don’t know that a crime has occurred. But a pile of trash in the middle of the street? The Washington Post is making a call over this?”

Story HERE

* I don’t think it was a pile of trash. But it was in the middle of the road, blocking traffic, so in that respect it is the perfect memorial for the Gentle Giant.

What I think is ridiculous for the memorial are the toys and teddy bears. They are still trying to float that? That these are the things Michael Brown was interested in?

Blacks fought for over a century to be called a man and not a boy. Current day race hustlers prefer to keep their martyrs infantilized. It’s better for business.

On second thought, this is a pile of trash.



19 Comments on Ferguson police officer suspended; called Michael Brown memorial ‘pile of trash’ — then lied about it

  1. They leave plush toys because they’re easier to steal than a 50″ TV. Just slip one in the baby carriage while shopping and drop it off at the memorial on the way home. Instant street cred! I was there, I brung hims a teddy bears, an shit.

  2. “It should be a pile of stolen cigars.”

    Like that wouldn’t get stolen and leave the street empty.

    Wait a minute, a self-cleaning memorial?

    Sounding pretty good now. Pure genius, Fur.

  3. If an officer doesn’t have his/her honesty, then they have nothing. It is their most important attribute to maintain. If they’re willing to lie about a small matter, where is their line on larger issues or on the witness stand when they can no longer be trusted (even if they and others think it is a pile of trash). Otherwise, if they had told the truth and fell on their sword, a rap on the knuckles would have been the most to come of it. What a dumb butt.

  4. What’s clear in all of this is that the Ferguson police department can’t find it’s ass with both hands and a flashlight.

    First, they suspended the cop who was wearing the “I Stand With Darren Wilson” shirt or bracelet or whatever after Wilson had been acquitted and now this.

    It would seem to be a hazard to allow a memorial in the middle of the street to stand. But by all means, allow a monument to burning down your city to become a tourist destination.

    Morons. They are more concerned with PC bullshit then doing the right thing.

  5. What a waste of perfectly good teddy bears and other stuffed toys, which could have been donated to Ferguson’s children whose parents were victims of the looting and burning. As for the rotting flowers, well….

    Sir Fur, your idea would have been the best…small, compact and “Gone TO Soon”!

  6. Brown was an ObamaSon pile of cop-killing dog shit in the road. he refused to get on the sidewalk. If only he had been run down he wouldn’t have been able to attack Wilson.
    Unrest in Hell, MB.

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