Ferret Face Schiff is having a bad day – IOTW Report

Ferret Face Schiff is having a bad day

Patriot Retort-

For more than three years, old Ferret Face Schiff has claimed that he possesses incontrovertible proof that President Donald J. Trump conspired with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton.

And as much as Ferret Face wanted the public to know, he simply couldn’t because this so-called “proof” of his was “classified.”  So you just had to trust him that it existed.

It’s like the intelligence version of “Oh, I have a girlfriend, but you don’t know her. She goes to another school.”

And, boy did Adam have plenty of opportunities to spread his vicious lies.

In the intro to my chapter on Ferret Face Schiff in my latest book RANT: Derangement & Resistance in MAGA Country, I wrote:

According to the Free Beacon, in the first six months of the Trump Presidency, Adam Schiff had clocked a cumulative fourteen hours of airtime on national television.

Fourteen friggin’ hours.

By October of 2017, Schiff had done more than one hundred and fifty interviews on national television.

By February of 2018, a mere four months later, that number jumped to two hundred and twenty-seven.

By July 2019, Adam Schiff had given a total of 419 interviews on national television for a cumulative 49 hours, 39 minutes and 42 seconds of airtime.

Ferret Face Schiff used the Russia hoax to turn himself into a TV News celebrity.  And like the shameless Michael Avenatti, Schiff played the tease – always hinting at explosive, highly damaging “proof” that President Trump was a traitor of the highest order.  And he had all the proof at his disposal.

But you’re just going to have to take his word for it.  Because you can’t see it.  Nobody can see it.  But trust him, it’s there and it’s super explosive!

For three years this cretin has been peddling in lies secure in the knowledge that nobody could dispute his claims.

Until now.

13 Comments on Ferret Face Schiff is having a bad day

  1. They can use a shoestring to hang him with, rope not required.

    Their pan8c is real, conspirators have been turned, grand juries convened and indictments prepared.

    Justice is coming for these child rapists and they know it.

  2. The only way we’ll be rid of Adam is by convicting him of sedition and putting him behind bars.

    Otherwise, his district is majority populated with people as dumb as Marie Harf, and they’ll keep reelecting him.

  3. Ferret Face???
    I thot it wuz Sphincter Face around here!

    Women are from Venus,
    Men are from Mars,
    Schitt is from Uranus.

    If you happen to be around Adam’s general proximity please cover yer ears with two masks to avoid being infected by the Bullschitt virus!!

  4. i don’t believe for a minute that schiff is having a bad day.

    he will go on lying his ass off and the msm will keep promoting his lies

    there is absolutely no downside to his performances.

    he will be re-elected to the house

    he’s a democrat national treasure and democrats love him. in their mind he speaks truth to their power.

    only those of us who are awake know the difference.

    remember half the country is brain dead and cannot see the forest for the tree.

  5. A lying tribesman who wants to ruin our Christian nation? WHADDYAKNOW? I might just have to faint in shock over this. I never would have guessed that a tribesman would try to ruin his host nation!!!

  6. Q: “How would Washington treat traitors if he caught them?”
    A: “Hang ’em to the first tree!” was his reply.

    — 1864 interview with Samuel Downing, veteran of American Revolutionary War


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