Fetterman blames depression on brutal Dr. Oz campaign – IOTW Report

Fetterman blames depression on brutal Dr. Oz campaign

BPR: U.S. Sen. John Fetterman has blamed his recent bout of depression partly on the alleged “brutality” he’d faced from running against Pennsylvania Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz during the 2022 general election.

“Fetterman attributes the depression in January not only to his stroke last May but also to what he calls a brutal campaign last fall,” Pittsburgh station KDKA reported Tuesday following an interview with him.

“It was after the brutality of the campaign, the other side. Some people believe it was one of the most vicious political campaigns,” he said in his own words.

However, he stressed that he doesn’t explicitly blame Dr. Oz for his condition.

“I wasn’t being the kind of senator Pennsylvania deserved, I wasn’t being the kind of husband Gisele deserved, I wasn’t being the kind of father my children deserved,” he added.

It was this — not being at his best — that’d inspired him to seek help in January. Months later, he now claims he’s in tip-top shape mentally.

“I feel fantastic, honestly. A lot of people have been asking, ‘Hey, how are you feeling, how’s your depression?’ It’s in remission, and I am just so grateful to be feeling great,” he told KDKA. more

26 Comments on Fetterman blames depression on brutal Dr. Oz campaign

  1. That is NOT why he is depressed.
    He is Depressed because he knows whats coming.
    He looked in the mirror.

    Ask him.
    He knows.


  2. So no one’s allowed to challenge this person on anything ever again or you’ll be reponsible for him having the sads.

  3. Of course the election was stolen. PA is one of the most corrupt states in the country. He “won” by just enough to avoid a recount, funny how that happened so many times in 2002 in races that were supposedly close or looking to vote a red candidate in.

  4. “I wasn’t being the kind of husband Gisele deserved, I wasn’t being the kind of father my children deserved”

    I’ve no doubt at all that it was Gisele who told him that.

  5. I’ve seen street people who dress better to panhandle than this whack job does to vote at the capitol building,.
    Shameful, no-class democrat.


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