Fetterman: Dems Shielding Illegal Migrant Criminals Should Be Helping ICE Round Them Up Instead – IOTW Report

Fetterman: Dems Shielding Illegal Migrant Criminals Should Be Helping ICE Round Them Up Instead

Daily Caller: Democratic Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman said on Fox News Sunday that local Democrats attempting to push back against President Donald Trump’s deportation of criminal illegal migrants should be aiding the administration.

Since Trump’s crackdown on the southern border and illegal migrants within the U.S., Democratic local officials — specifically those in sanctuary cities — have warned they will not aid U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in their investigations. On “Fox News Sunday,” host Shannon Bream asked Fetterman for his thoughts on the pushback, questioning whether local officials have an obligation to the federal government in helping with deportations. read more

6 Comments on Fetterman: Dems Shielding Illegal Migrant Criminals Should Be Helping ICE Round Them Up Instead

  1. He obviously never heard the term “Dress For Sucess”.
    How about Dress For Respect to the people you represent?
    Walking around looking like you’re homeless just looks stupid when you can obviously put a little effort into looking professional.

  2. Anyone who supports the bullshit that has been going on, but doesn’t sponsor and agree to be PERSONALLY financially liable for their upkeep and crimes, is full of shit.


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