Fetterman Does First Post-Depression Interview and Raises a Multitude of Questions – IOTW Report

Fetterman Does First Post-Depression Interview and Raises a Multitude of Questions

Red State: John Fetterman has finally been released from the hospital after suffering from a reported bout of severe depression. The Pennsylvania senator has long been at the center of controversy surrounding his ailing health, largely centering on the massive stroke he had prior to the 2022 election.

Since then, Fetterman has deteriorated in ways that would have led to immediate calls for his resignation were he not a member of the Democratic Party. He can’t speak properly, he can’t understand others properly, and he relies on a closed captioning device to communicate.

It’s good to be a Democrat, though, and the press has been rushing to cover for him since day one. That continued on Friday with an interview with CBS News that did nothing but raise a multitude of questions.

For starters, is this guy a US senator or not? I’m not trying to downplay his condition. Quite the contrary, but the Senate is not a place to battle depression, much less serious health issues that leave one unable to communicate. The question at hand isn’t how brave Fetterman supposedly is. It’s whether he can do his job, and he obviously can’t. That should be the top issue for every single person who interviews him. Instead, they lavish him with praise while helping him hide his actual condition. It’s dystopian.

Past that, a lot of people noticed where Fetterman’s eyes were going during the interview. Not only is reading the questions on some kind of monitor just off-screen (which CBS News is careful to not show), but he’s pretty clearly also reading his answers. His eyes stay glued to the screen the entire time, with only passing glances at the interviewer herself. more

15 Comments on Fetterman Does First Post-Depression Interview and Raises a Multitude of Questions

  1. Soon the who democrat field will be zombies that their AI system will run from behind their closed curtain. Maybe they’ll have Fetterman run for president, a mental clone of Joey.

  2. fitting how they send another stroke victim to interview him. How many times did Jane Pauley change her diaper during the “interview”. Can’t the CIA find a younger news reader?

  3. It doesn’t matter that Fetterman can’t do the job – he couldn’t before he was “elected.” Being a brain-dead moron, he’s the perfect place-holder. He simply has to vote as he’s told – he won’t get greedy – can’t let the cat out of the bag, because he’s incapable of recognizing the cat.
    A perfect Demonrat – sort of a mini-Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. He’s doing an interview right now? Then who’s that guy I was just fucking?

    Never mind, the new guy’s better anyways. I’ll take HIM on my next vaycay when that zoquete gets bummed out again.

  5. LSM maggot: “Senator! Is it called a sling blade or a Kaiser blade?”

    Fetacheesebrain: “Em … oh … oh … en!” (and giggles uncontrollably, drooling down his shirt)

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