Fetterman released from hospital, will return to Senate on Monday – IOTW Report

Fetterman released from hospital, will return to Senate on Monday

JTN: Pennsylvania Democratic Sen. John Fetterman was released from the hospital on Friday night after having been there since Wednesday over a brief and unclear health scare. 

Fetterman was hospitalized earlier this week after reports that he felt “lightheaded.” The senator, who won election in November, suffered a stroke last year and has been public about many of the health challenges he has faced since then.  MORE


The New York Times has come out and reported that he has a severe hearing disability which alarmingly causes him to hear what sounds like the voice of the teacher from the “Peanuts” cartoon when listening to people speak.

MORE at iotweport.

20 Comments on Fetterman released from hospital, will return to Senate on Monday

  1. Caligula’s horse, Incitatus, was appointed Senator back in 37 AD.
    Now in PA, through the magic of electoral fraud, we get the horse’s ass in the Senate.

    Will the insults and abuses to America never end?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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