Fewer Turkeys Means Higher Prices For Holiday Dinner – IOTW Report

Fewer Turkeys Means Higher Prices For Holiday Dinner

JTN: There are plenty of turkeys available for holiday celebrations this year, but expect to pay more for them.

Blame the avian flu. Nationwide, outbreaks of avian flu this past spring caused producers to destroy millions of birds. The result is 2% fewer turkeys in this fall’s inventory.

“The disruption in the supply has certainly driven up prices,” Tasha Bunting of the Illinois Farm Bureau told The Center Square.

Last year the average price for a turkey hen was $1.42 a pound. This year the price is $1.82 a pound. Illinois is not a major poultry producing state and has been fairly lucky with the number of avian flu outbreaks, Bunting said. Cases peaked in the spring in Illinois and the number of cases of infected birds this fall was low.

Turkey and poultry producers have been on high alert for signs of infected birds all year, Bunting said. Farmers have implemented biosecurity measures and have been working with their veterinarians. more

20 Comments on Fewer Turkeys Means Higher Prices For Holiday Dinner

  1. Thanksgiving turkey already baked. Meat picked off, carcass turned into broth. Turkey meat and broth in the freezer. Will go into an oven bag for reheating before guests arrive. Fans disappointed because they’re used to the tradition of seeing the whole bird being sliced but they get over it when treated to the juiciest turkey they’ve ever had.

  2. I remember reading that Ben Franklin wanted to name the wild turkey as the new United States’ emblematic bird. If he’d prevailed, we might be sitting down this Thanksgiving to a nice roast eagle.

  3. “The disruption in the supply has certainly driven up prices,”
    Hasn’t that been their plan for since they took control, and not just turkeys.
    Won’t be saving that 8¢ this year.

  4. “…but he’s gonna’ eat a penguin!”

    “How about an albatross!!!”

    A modest proposal: how many turkeys are there in Washington D.C.? State capitols? Local school boards?

  5. When they started killing birds I tried to tell people it was bullshit.

    Bird flu has been around for years. Wild birds carry it, yet you never hear them say kill all the birds.
    There was a fairly large poultry operation years ago that proved there was no need to destroy entire flocks. He had a bird get sick, killed that bird and left the rest of his poultry alone. No other bird ever got sick nor tested positive for it. It received very little notice and then the government really cracked down and demanded all poultry be destroyed, so nobody would try that again.

  6. The KKK racist Joe Biden’s scheme is to trash the economy so badly for the purposes of blaming the GOP so that the sinister dems could remain in power. Anyone with just a few more brain cells than Biden can easily see this was KKK Joe Biden’s mission from the moment he squatted his drooping dripping ass in the white house, all with the assist of the amateurish CoS Ronald Klownie Klain wanna-be elitist and global fiends. And they do it all at the expense of every living American citizen including those who died from the massively widespread and fraudulent covid-medical-health scheme.

  7. Handlers of illegitimate usurping clown they installed in the White House Had Him Boast Cookouts Are 16 Cents Cheaper. If I had my way everyone who actually cast a legitimate vote for this shit would be made to pay for Tofurkey and then made to eat the shit

  8. Strange shit going on with all these shortages. Seems to be pretty regional. Even though we are told we are out of diesel our diesel prices in NorCal are dropping at the pump. Below $6.00 for the first time in a long time. And the stores seems to have plenty of Turkeys. IDK

  9. JD, what a coincidence, just a half hour ago I ordered a whole ham. Mine from snakeriverfarms.com. Those are consistently good as well. I’ll try Montana Valley next time.

  10. I just bought 2 huge turkey breasts from a Maine poultry farmer.
    They’re in the freezer and will be delicious!
    I’m so thankful we have local meat and produce available and with the new Maine Constitutional law they don’t need special permits to sell.

  11. Was just at Publix & they were loading up the turkeys. 18lb was $44.00 & some kinda heritage turkey was $85.00. Looks like roasted mallard,red heads & wood duck for dinner.


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