Fifteen million in 72 hours – IOTW Report

Fifteen million in 72 hours

Patriot Retort:

If the Democrats had the sense God gave a goat, they would be damn nervous right now.  Since Nancy Pelosi announced her unofficial impeachment inquiry, the Trump campaign has been flooded with donations — raking in nearly fifteen million dollars in 72 hours.

More importantly, that fifteen million came from small donors.

11 Comments on Fifteen million in 72 hours

  1. My wife and me were bombarded by cell calls the last couple of days seeking matching contributions, at least 10 texts each per.
    It’s a good sign that they’re very organized and have a huge machine at work for the president.
    It’s encouraging!

  2. Also getting bombarded by emails for fundraising…. but how do we know that the donation is going to the Trump Campaign and not to the wishy-washy RINO’s?
    The emails show that they are sent from the Republican National Committee, so not sure if the money will be spread around to those who are NOT on the Trump Train.

  3. This impeach Trump scam will go on for as long as he’s President.

    Too bad Republicans in Congress didn’t have even 10% of this energy when they held both houses.

    Thanks Paul Ryan…

  4. I’m one of those first time, small donors. Anger is a powerful motivator. It finally hit the fan after Schiff created the phony transcript of the Trump/Ukraine call for the media. I blew my stack. And opened my wallet.

    These people need to be buried.


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