Fifteen Years – one day at a time – IOTW Report

Fifteen Years – one day at a time

Patriot Retort: Today marks my sobriety anniversary. Fifteen years.

Hard to believe.

Fifteen years ago today, I walked into Saint Joseph’s Catholic Church in LaFayette, NY and attended my first AA meeting. For two months before, I had struggled to quit drinking. And I couldn’t do it. I’d go a day, maybe two. Then I’d drink.

On October 4, 2003, I made a bet with myself. I bought an 18-pack of beer and decided if I could stop at one, I wouldn’t go to the meeting the next day.

When I came to in the morning, half the case was gone and the empties lined up on the kitchen counter.

So that evening, I dragged myself up the road to Saint Joe’s wishing to God I had stopped at one.

It was a week before the LaFayette Apple Festival where Saint Joe’s sells apple pies at a booth every year. And apparently, they spend the week beforehand baking them in the church kitchen.

So when I got out of my truck, the smell of baking apples was so powerful, even in the parking lot.

To this day, the smell of baking apple pie makes me think of my first AA meeting on October 5, 2003.   MORE HERE

38 Comments on Fifteen Years – one day at a time

  1. I endorse what reasonable people do to make their life right and meaningful. Congratulations on 15 years of sobriety. That can be a tough road, keep up the good work!

  2. Well done, Dianny, very, very well done. And I particularly like what you say with the title of your commentary: we tend to get enthused by anniversaries and odometer rollovers and the like, but the valuable and difficult things are very much one day at a time efforts.

  3. None of the stories in the Big Book ID the individual.

    And not id’ed to the public until after his death.

    Happy to have the conversation if you wish. BFH has my numbers and can pass them on…

    Anything further here is probably inappropriate and further amplifies what I disagree with…

  4. Congratulations, Dianny. Keep comin’ back. I’ve been in and out of those rooms too many times (not enough), currently out. After nearly losing my job, my family, my life, after years sober, I keep backsliding. Truth is I never worked the steps, and that’s on me. Your example helps more people than you’ll ever know. My name’s flip, and I’m an alcoholic.

  5. CONGRATULATIONS Dianny! What a great example you are. Thank you for your story!

    10/20/2010 for me.

    To any who still despair, you can overcome, with the right help. You are not alone! God bless

  6. I considered becoming an alcoholic once, but then I decided to just be a drunk, because they don’t have to attend all those damned meetings.

    P.S. – Just kidding, Dianny. Congratulations, and may you never let your guard down.

  7. Approaching 39 years … never did AA..
    Not knocking it.. whatever works,

    I used to say I went to the 12th step and tripped over the rest backwards.

    In my case I wanted to die.. I lived in depression for 3.5 years. Drugs and alcohol were the only answers that I knew.

    When Jesus delivered me from depression I didn’t need or want drugs and alcohol anymore.

    Life is good

    Congrats to you Dianny…

  8. PS Dianny, don’t know your age but wonder if you remember the explosion at Little York late 60s early 70s. Mr. Cootri gas explosion burning 90% of his body? I helped work on that poor man skin grafts at Memorial,,Wonder what ever happened to him

  9. May you continue to feel God’s blessings and prayers of support. God bless all you good people (me included) who strive to be holy and healthy. And God bless BFH for this site which I love!


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