Fifth Grade Student Suspended For Imaginary Flying Spaghetti Monster in the Sky – IOTW Report

Fifth Grade Student Suspended For Imaginary Flying Spaghetti Monster in the Sky

By Imaginary Flying Spaghetti Monster (the derogatory and sarcastic being that the left knows doesn’t exist, “like God”) I mean pointing a finger like a gun.


Ohio student points finger like gun, is suspended

A central Ohio principal says she suspended a 10-year-old boy from school for three days for pretending his finger was a gun and pointing it at another student’s head.


The boy’s father says it’s the adults who are acting childish for suspending the boy from Devonshire Alternative Elementary School in Columbus last week.

The fifth-grader said he was “just playing around.” But district spokesman Jeff Warner told The Columbus Dispatch ( ) that Devonshire Principal Patricia Price has warned students about pretend gun play numerous times this year, and everyone should know the rules by now. He said warnings have been included in three newsletters sent home with kids.


OHHHHHHHHH. But hasn’t the Supreme Court ruled that free speech does not cease in the classroom? What other dictatorial admonitions do they want to impose?

How about winking? That’s sexual assault, no?


21 Comments on Fifth Grade Student Suspended For Imaginary Flying Spaghetti Monster in the Sky

  1. Let the punishment justify the crime…pretend gun…pretend suspension…and while we are at it….let’s pretend these libtards aren’t screwing up our society

  2. Just had an 80 year old uncle banned from his lifelong pharmacy because he said the word- gun.

    He took his hearing aid prescription to the pharmacy, and was astonished at the price of said hearing aid. He lamented the travesty aloud, and said, “why don’t you just hold a gun to my head?” Someone “overheard” him and called 911, imagine the safety NOW in this pharmacy without their lifelong customer. Schools are not alone in the idiocy. Pray for our Country.

  3. Perhaps the Ukrainians can point their fingers like guns towards the Russian army and frighten them into retreat. I say the kid was using the wrong finger.

  4. The Anti-Hoplite Progressive Totalitarians strike fear in hearts of our children again.
    Guns are bad, Bad, BAD!!
    Only for Authorized Govt Enforcement Personnel, not lowly proles, peons, serfs, and subjects!

  5. I’m just wondering what they would do if every kid there made a finger gun and went BANG.

    Shut the school down?

    I know if we were presented with this in the late 60s and early 70s we’d be banging away every day and letting them figure out what to do…

  6. I once got a call about this very thing from my son’s school (he was 5 at the time). I told their principal that I was very sorry this happened, and that they should conficate his hands, and lock them in the school safe to avoid anyone else being hurt. I would collect from the office when I picked him up that afternoon.

    When I arrived that afternoon, I made sure to blatently examine the principal for signs of psychosis, as he didn’t seem to understand that my child doesn’t actually have the mystical power of shooting energy beams from his fingers. It was one of the few times I *insisted* on being addressed as “Doctor” instead of “Mister”.

    @Dadof4 – I’m right there with you. If my friends and I had been told as schoolchildren that we were forbidden to make finger guns, we’d have done it constantly.

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