Fighting the Dems’ anti-Trump resistance – Georgia, here we come! – IOTW Report

Fighting the Dems’ anti-Trump resistance – Georgia, here we come!

By Lloyd Marcus for American Thinker:

The pet-sitter said yes, she is available to watch our greyhound, two cats, four parakeets, and six cockatiels.  Great!  Mary and I are packing to drive from our home in Florida to Georgia to fight back against the Democrats’ continuing efforts to stop Trump.

Thus far, they have spent $4 million to put their far-left operative Jon Ossoff into the congressional seat vacated by Tom Price, whom Trump selected as secretary of health and human services.  What makes this race huge is that the Democrats will use a win in Georgia to embolden their rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth-with-hate base, encouraging them to beef up their anti-Trump protests and obstructionism.

What is scary is that if Ossoff (polling at 40%) gets 50% of the vote in the April 18 primary, he wins that seat.  Well, Mary and I and our good friends at Conservative Campaign Committee ain’t gonna let that happen.  Georgia, here we come!

Our goal is to stop Ossoff from getting 50% of the vote, forcing the race to continue to the June 20 runoff election.  You’ve heard of gumshoe detective work.  Conservative Campaign Committee uniquely engages in gumshoe campaigning, leaving no initiative to win on the table.  We do everything from media ads to standing on street corners waving signs.  This is how we roll when it comes to fighting leftist operatives and helping conservatives win.  read more

3 Comments on Fighting the Dems’ anti-Trump resistance – Georgia, here we come!

  1. The bad thing about it is that the 6th dist. was conservative, then the libs started fleeing Atlanta and more libs from up north started moving in. We lost two counties to socialists this past election.

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