FILE DROP| Burisma Is The Center Of Exposure, Not The Corruption – IOTW Report

FILE DROP| Burisma Is The Center Of Exposure, Not The Corruption


The Burisma emails are nothing compared to what other communications show. The Biden Crime Family with Joe leading the pack not only took advantage of federal bailouts, sold the resources of our nation piece by piece, but they also co-mingled money on OFFSHORE accounts we have located.

The next article will not only release the EMAILS and EVIDENCE that the CAYMAN ISLANDS were where the Bidens HID and SKIMMED money, but it is where it was comingled with Obama, Clinton, and VATICAN money. In the same way, Hillary for America, Obama for America, and the DNC money were co-mingled by Perkins Coie.

5 Comments on FILE DROP| Burisma Is The Center Of Exposure, Not The Corruption

  1. Luckily for U.S. citizens, the DOJ and the FBI are not corrupt.
    Oh, wait ……. Never Mind, My bad.

    Luckily the GOP Representatives and Senators will stand strong and shed light where darkness dwells ……
    OOPS ! Never mind…… Again, My Bad.


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