Final 2020 Presidential Debate LIVE Coverage – IOTW Report

Final 2020 Presidential Debate LIVE Coverage

Right Side Broadcasting Network

277 Comments on Final 2020 Presidential Debate LIVE Coverage

  1. Yahoo announces they will “stream” debate with “team of experts fact checking in real time” That’s the outfit that has disabled most commenting for many months now. How stupid do they think people are

    I’m getting ready to watch it from HERE

  2. “wear a mask all the time”

    …. in the shower, while you’re sleeping, raking leaves, driving alone in your car …. except I’m not wearing one now

    & notice, it wasn’t a 2 minute response …. just a canned statement

  3. “…so tired of the Covid Bullshit … & blaming Trump for it”

    So true. Covid fatigue is real. Dark winter, dead, dead, dead. masks all the time, everywhere, lockdowns forever…people are not living that existence. Being Dr.Doom is not going to win it for you, Joe. I’m tuning out until they finish beating up on Trump for a worldwide problem.

  4. Hey, I’m middle class and the past two years my finances have been tons better. Under Obama we set around the kitchen table a lot worrying about next month, worrying about how we were going to pay our taxes. Under Trump our taxes we can afford, we’re able to increase our retirement.

    Guess what Joe there are many more like our family, dumbass!!

  5. I promised myself not to comment until I had finish my first bottle of red wine. There is only so much any rational man can take sober. I’m being monitored by a very sober nurse.

    President Trump is so much more deadly when he’s Presidential.

    This interrogator is much more professional than I expected.

  6. PDT should just respond …
    “if you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance.
    if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”

    how did that work out Joey?

  7. We are small business owners and we lost our insurance that we liked and we could afford, we had a plan that paid 100% of hospitalization, $5000 deductible. Drugs and doctors it didn’t pay that much, but what would bankrupt is if we were hospitalized. After Obamacare we could no longer get a plan like that, the cheapest plan we were given an option paid well for doctors or drugs, but only paid 70% of hospital and had a $10,000 deductible and the cost was 2.5 times more per month than the plan we had and liked.

  8. Big talk “Big Man”. Joe Biden may have beaten Corn Pop.
    Pres. Trump is no Corn Pop. Back off, Joe your cruisin for bruisin. Biden’s a putz – what decade does he live in – 1950 – yep.

  9. How about being attacked for wearing a MAGA hat at a local high school?? Joey?

    What about those super predators????!?

    We WANT marauding gangs OFF the streets you shithead!!!

  10. Which people are “brown”?
    Even white teen and young men need have talks with parents as well!
    About being respectful, that is.

    1994 Joe said Superpredators! is he disputing it?


    Joe saying it’s garbage about Rudy and its Russia

  11. “you mean the laptop from hell is another Russia, Russia, Russia hoax?”

    Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha … bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha

    Bravo PDT!

  12. Buyden said POOR BOYS. Not Proud….

    ‘OOooh God’ – Joe Buyden.

    Here comes the crime bill….

    Biden LOOKED at his watch!! LIKE BUSH DID!!!!!

    I love clean air and water….AND we did not destroy our industries!

  13. AOC + three = ZERO.

    “Where do you come from??” – Joe Buyden

    He JUST whispered QUEENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    With pride he said IT, look back at that one….


  14. Yes, President Trump is right – China is filthy. “No Fracking”, “Destroy Oil” and “Raise Taxes” Joe would give China more economic power to pollute and bankrupt the world.

  15. “The two of Them, to put it nicely…” – DJT

    Is he from Scranton or Delaware growing up with his mom??

    Just asking?

    “Success will bring us together” – DJT

    And what is wrong with THAT?

  16. Inauguration day question
    PT rebuilding economy. . .
    Best Blk, Hispanc, Women, best employment numbers
    success will bring us together
    He will kill it, 401Ks will go to HELL

    Sleepy Joe: choosing hope over fear whatever that refers to and something about “systemic racism” and “clean energy” “decency”

  17. Joey took a quick check out look at Melania when she walked over to The Donald…

    It’s true, I saw it.

    Cannot blame him in a way, it was his most honest moment of the entire night…

  18. She tried to run a fair debate and it was so much more orderly than most Lefties achieve but she really believes in the fantasies of climate change and systemic racism making it impossible to ask fair questions regarding these hoaxes. Trump was natural and truthful. Biden was rehearsed and spewed an endless stream of lies. The president kicked ass.

  19. Remember who came prepared to a ‘mask fight’?

    DJT had one at the first debate, in his inside jacket pocket and Joey conveniently has his and ketches up at the third debate.

    “Look ‘folks’ (you shitheads), I have a mask!?!!!!!”

    DJT will NEVER use the word ‘folks’.

  20. Joe “hope over fear” Biden has it exactly backwards. The liberals and their media cohorts are the ones peddling fear.

    For the media’s part, fear sells their propaganda products and fits perfectly into their WHITE MAN BAD story.

  21. Joe Biden kept saying: “C’mon Man”, like, y’know, people used to say in the 1960’s.

    I half expected him to call Trump a “Pony-faced Dog Soldier” or a “Dog-faced Pony Soldier”.

  22. Bot, and I really wished Trump would have called Joe out on his “if you dont vote for me you ain’t black ” remark that should enrage every good black folks out there who vote.

  23. President Trump is a giant of a man. He is finessing a game that’s so rigged it can’t be played straight.

    He did get Hunter and the laptop on the radar. If the Media doesn’t cover it now, they will drive more votes to PDJT ! Because more information will get out, people will talk, but the President kept himself miles higher than the sewer Biden built for himself.

  24. Biden’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
    That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
    And then is heard no more. It is a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
    Signifying nothing.

  25. Illustr8r

    You need to do two things. Join GAB. And join our e mail group. You are exposed to to many Libtard assholes. Time to be exposed to normal assholes. Wait, that didn’t come out right.

  26. @Illustr8r – Was not ‘Kool Aid’ orange as well???

    ‘Oooh yeah!’… That is Donald Trump. That thing that came crashing through.

    @Russian Bot – It was NOT on the agenda ya see…

  27. President Trump was especially stealthy during this debate.

    He left Evil Joe punch drunk after hitting Biden, over and over with the truth that he’s a corrupt, lying thief.

    Then President Trump, without saying a word, let Biden lie and stutter his way into a corner.

    Winning! Winning! Winning!

  28. Biden is like a CAES – Compressed Air Energy Storage system. They insert a large volume of hot air up Biden’s rear. When market prices are favorable, they pass Biden’s stored hot air through Biden’s mouth, where it is expected to sway voter choice by 11.2 per cent.

    The industry standard is 31.7 per cent.

    FOAD, Biden. We hardly wanted to know ye.

  29. Anybody catch the post talk on FOX with Donna Brassiere?

    She said Lyndon Johnson was her all-time favorite president. Really Donna? The same guy who said THIS?

    “I’ll have those n*****s voting Democratic for 200 years.”

  30. Lyndon Johnson would leave the door open while he used the crapper and make ‘journalists’ do their ‘work’ in the doorway.
    Gorilla Cookies must be into that type of humiliation.
    (acknowledge all leftists for what they are, degenerate parasites)


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