Final Obama travel tab: $100 million – IOTW Report

Final Obama travel tab: $100 million

Wa Ex: The final tab for former President Obama’s eight years of family travel to ski resorts, beaches and European cities has finally come in and the bill is $99,714,527.82.

Judicial Watch, the taxpayer watchdog group that has shifted its attention to President Trump’s travel costs, said it just received some of the last responses to Obama-era Freedom of Information Act requests for trip costs from the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Secret Service.


17 Comments on Final Obama travel tab: $100 million

  1. Have the IRS go after the Obamas for this $100M as “undeclared income”. Just as they would you, or I, or Ivanka Trump.

    Let’s see, $100M in undeclared income, plus penalties, plus interest, compounding over 8 years. The total overdue tax bill owed could easily be run up to over $100M.

    Have the IRS seize all Obama assets in forfeiture. Garnish all future income. Seize the POTUS pension and apply it against the constantly compounding interest.
    And under Obama-era IRS policy, the Obamas’ Passports are frozen (cancelled, actually) until total taxes owed drop below $50,000. No travel outside the US.

    And we haven’t even begun to address the criminal tax evasion charges.

    Give The One a little taste of equal treatment under the law.

  2. Rather then doing Trump at this time I think it would be more enlightening to do the same with GW Bush’s eight years in office. I suspect he and his family probably spent considerably less and if you use constant dollars the Obamas could wind up looking like the carpetbagging family they are.
    Then start working on Trumps and show where each families spending was at say, 6 month intervals. Maybe they ought to do that with all new Presidents, it may encourage a little less spending.

  3. 100 mil does not even come close to covering the actual cost. Phony, gay, treasonous, commie rat bastard exceeded that amount in first 6 months. A hundred mil may have covered the cost of fumigating, delicing, and replacing the furnishings. Who knows how much it cost to dissect the plane searching for intelligence gathering bugs.

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