Finally! A Thaw! – IOTW Report

Finally! A Thaw!

Patriot Retort: After two weeks of absolutely bone-crushing cold, we’re finally getting a little thaw here in Central New York. And it’s a good thing too because half my driveway and my car are still covered with snow and I lack the physical capability of clearing it off.

A few weeks ago, I was talking to a friend who emigrated from England last year about what to expect with New York winters. I told him while we do get frigid temperatures here in New York, they only last a few days.

The “few days” turned out to be a few weeks, so now my English friend must think I’m the biggest liar in the world.

For some reason, this year the cold weather is especially hard on my Lupus. Winters are always rough, but not like this. The Raynaud syndrome common for us Lupus sufferers ordinarily doesn’t kick in for me unless it’s way below zero. But this year, even when it’s 20 degrees, it hits me like a ton of bricks. My feet and hands go numb, my nails turn blue, then when I thaw out, my skin goes sunburn red and the pain is unbelievable. I’ve spent the last few weeks walking on my heels.

I’ve limited my exposure to the outdoors so much, I haven’t even tried to shovel my entire driveway, which is not at all like me. Typically, I’m the most anal snow-shoveler on the planet, clearing every scrap of snow down to the pavement.

I haven’t been to the grocery store in 23 days. more

12 Comments on Finally! A Thaw!

  1. Dianny, you need someone to shovel for you! Maybe even go to the store with/for you. I’m not much for shoveling ice anymore but I can damn sure get my truck through a couple feet of snow. If you were 2500 miles closer to me I could help you out.

  2. I have Raynaud’s in my hands and feet. Didn’t know I had it until I was in my 40s. I thought everyone had that problem, nothing more excruciating when hands and feet warm up. I feel for anyone that has it, and moreso for anyone with lupus. 😵 Global warming, pah. SOS more like.


  3. You east coasters get hammered with snow. We talk smart regarding snow in Wisconsin but we don’t get the huge snow dumps you get. You get all that humidity off the great lakes that turns to snow. We only get bone chilling cold below zero wx day after day after day. I don’t expect any major snow dumps now until March now. When it begins to warm up the snow will follow.

  4. I grew up near Cortland (in McLean) and the winters were horrible. one year the coal truck couldn’t even find the driveway to our house, so he dumped four tons of coal where he
    thought it was. Us kids had load our toboggans a long distance up to the house filled with coal. I’ll never never forget it. I now live near the ocean in Mississippi!

  5. 21 degrees right now; suited up & fed the critters & had a walk around the property.
    The grass feels like fresh snow when you walk on it, every single thing with an edge has 3″+ ice sickles hanging off of it (including the trash cans), and I’m wearing crampons so I don’t slip & break something again.
    Walkin’ in a winter wonderland my ass!

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