Finally, I Can Say "I HOPE YOU GET CANCER!" Guilt Free – IOTW Report

Finally, I Can Say "I HOPE YOU GET CANCER!" Guilt Free


Dr. Dick Smith – Absolute sh!thead

The Daily Mail-

Dr Richard Smith says it may be a ‘romantic view’, but cancer gives people a chance to say goodbye to their loved ones, which is denied to many who die from other conditions.

Indeed, he argues that the country is wasting billions trying to cure cancer because curing people of the disease means they are likely to die of worse things, such as dementia.

But cancer specialists and charities disputed his incendiary comments. They said many cancer patients suffered terribly and would not agree that it was ‘the best way to die’.

They also accused the doctor of being ‘nihilistic’ about a disease which ‘takes far too many people far too young’. Dr Smith, 62, who was editor of the BMJ for 13 years until 2004 and is now chairman of the board of directors of medical smartphone app Patients Know Best, airs his views on the nature of dying in a BMJ blog.


32 Comments on Finally, I Can Say "I HOPE YOU GET CANCER!" Guilt Free

  1. As a 12.5 year cancer survivor I hope this guy gets cancer in spades! A little colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, brain cancer, meh whatever would cause him the most intense and agonizing pain. FU you clueless piece of cockroach excrement!

  2. 62? Looks older to me as well! Maybe he should start attending to his goodbye list.

    Kidding aside, guys like this and Zach Emmanuel are pretty scary in their positions of influence.

  3. Hope he gets cancer and has a horrible allergy to narcotic pain medication….. the left of course will never live by heir own rules…. he gets cancer and he’ll be at the best cancer center in the world….

  4. I’m not surprised another lefty came out of the woodwork. After all, these scumbags kill unborn babies so I expect people with cancer would come in 2nd.
    Damn, I get sick of these people!

  5. When I think of what my friend Corinne went thru for 19 months before she died in September, it infuriates me what this fool is saying. Rinn would have happily chosen to die suddenly and unexpectedly rather than spend nearly two years enduring the pain, the illness from chemo, the wasting away as the poisons ran roughshod thru her body. What a heartless, awful prick he is.

  6. This is the Left doing what they do.
    They float out a reprehensible idea to test reaction and to weaken the backlash. Look for this ‘theme’ to be adjusted and to recur .

    It fits into the ‘healthcare is too expensive’, ‘there’s too many people on the planet’ and ‘after a point you’ve lived enough years’ agendas.

    –This guy’s mum always wanted a doctor for a son, but his father probably knew early on that his son was an unworthy peckerhead .

  7. Yep Moe Tom. I’ll take them. I might mistake them for the worthless coyotes that roam the fields here. A Mossberg Persuader with 00 buckshot should do the job.

    I wonder what happens when you shove 2 large POS’s down a septic tank and screw the lid back on?

  8. Well, from my experience watching my father being eaten alive by cancer for many months, if given a choice between watching him getting progressively worse week after week as opposed to losing him to a sudden aneurysm I’d choose the aneurysm.

  9. I would be interested to hear how Dr. Smith would handle his own cancer, or ALS, or Alzheimer’s diagnosis.

    Think he’d do society a favor and go quietly into the night or would he make a big fuss and either off himself in some dramatic fashion (after making a Facebook declaration) or demand the medical system save his sorry ass, because he’s so important in his own mind?

  10. I lost my Father to cancer when he was 55 I was 28 my kid sis 17. what a horrible thing for that guy to vocalize. Yes we all have to die, but curing something that can kill anyone at any age a bad thing? This world has some real dickheads

  11. I lost my mom at 48 years old and I was 26….It was a “quick?” cancer as it only took 5 weeks….Easy?…HELL NO!….not for anyone involved….all the words are used up to describe this asshole…

  12. I was under the impression that we were making significant strides in the fight against cancer. I’m a plumber, not a doctor, but I would imagine that every cancer survivor is tickled shitless that the money’s been spent.

    And FUCK HIM – it ain’t his money, anyway.
    If I want to send money to MSKCC, what the fuck business is it of his?

  13. So many in the Medical profession think NOTHING of their colleagues in the abortion industry. They worry even less about this worthless piece of shit. Maybe all those pro choicers should be forced to have this guy as their Primary Care Physician.

  14. I am almost 62 and I don’t look anywhere near as old as this jerk. My wife died from leukemia 2 years ago so cancer is not a laughing matter to me. Libtards just don’t get it, cancer is not something to make fun of and flippantly disregard and make fun of like this jerk seems to do and think. I wouldn’t wish cancer on anyone including this jerk. CANCER SUCKS!

  15. The guy is a has been. He hasn’t done anything in decades besides scream Look At ME! He is trying to sell some stupid computer app.

    He is British.

    I hope a muzz Brit will chop off his head.

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