Financial Mismanagement, Fraud, and Harassment at Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service Spark External Investigation – IOTW Report

Financial Mismanagement, Fraud, and Harassment at Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service Spark External Investigation

Breitbart: A source with first-hand knowledge tells Breitbart News that financial mismanagement, fraud, and harassment are so widespread at Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS), one of the country’s largest refugee resettlement agencies, that the board has called for an external investigation of CEO Linda Hartke.

LIRS is one of the nine top voluntary agencies (VOLAGs) in the refugee resettlement industry that collectively receives more than $1 billion each year from the federal government to resettle refugees across the United States.


An internal email obtained by Breitbart News confirms the source’s claim of an external investigation at LIRS.

“I will also likely ask the Board of Directors to table the CEO Review until we have the report of the investigation,” LIRS Board Chairman Michael Rinehart said of CEO Linda Hartke in an email sent on September 13, 2017, to Evelyn Soto, named to the board in 2017 as a representative of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America [ELCA], and Evan Moilan, the board member who chairs the audit committee.

Rinehart wrote in a follow-up email on September 14, 2017, “The Executive Committee convened and agreed to an investigation. I have spoken to Linda. The investigation team has formed. They will meet next week in St. Louis. I have the names of three law firms with whom to talk. Things are moving fast.”  read more here

19 Comments on Financial Mismanagement, Fraud, and Harassment at Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service Spark External Investigation

  1. Like Catholic charities, there’s big money from government to be made and that brings with it the greed and fraud.

    If you can’t pay your own way here and be self supporting don’t come.

  2. So do the charities that attract big G$$$ draw frauders to them or to the people running the organizations become corrupted over time with all the big G$$$ that is showered upon them?

    Either way, Government money corrupts and big G$$$ corrupts absolutely.

  3. @organgrinder November 12, 2017 at 7:57 am

    You greedy imperialist! You hateful classist!

    All men (and xen) are created equal!

    So, writing as a woke: If you can pay your own way, if you can’t pay your own way, don’t come.

  4. Why does the US need a contracted refugee service?
    We don’t.
    If the Churches wish to provide this service, God Bless them, more power to them.
    Like most services they are best administered locally by volunteers, not some money sucking, corrupt national bureaucratic organization.

  5. There is nothing at all LUTHERAN about this corrupt money grubbing, America destroying, entity. Actual Lutheran’s have nothing AT ALL to do with this fraudulent, federally subsidized immigration ploy. I have been extremely vexed by their flagrant abuse of Martin Luther’s name. They should be sued for slapping the name “Lutheran” on their title. Their organization’s name choice is the equivalent of Prez Zero calling himself a Christian.

  6. Another scam of a taxpayer scam being scammed by the scammers.

    No honor among thieves?
    Can’t you just fuck the taxpayers ONCE? Gotta keep fucking them till they BLEED?

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. It’s kind of like being a democrat; anything and everything is permissible if it is done in the name of…(insert Church, God, Christ, children, immigrants, women, LBQTTTTTT(more t’s the better), animals/PETA/SPCA, environment, planet, Global Warming, recycling, and many many more).

    If you benefit on the way then you deserve it (God(s) want you to prosper don’t you know). After all it takes special people to care about others -and this is a hand-down not a hand to pull up.

    Cynical, bruised, battered, humbled, blacklisted for not playing and singing kum-by-ya me.

  8. Hundreds of millions of dollars go to the US Council of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Relief Services, and Catholic Charities for refugee resettlement. And we wonder why our bishops are willing to break bread -in church and at fundraising dinners- with abortion supporting politicians? Because refugees pay better than fetuses.

  9. If the churches wish to aid in the resettlement of refugees let them do it out of the kindness of their and their parishioners hearts and wallets. Government does their bit when they vet (I know, I know) the refugee for health, political or religeous extremism, background criminal checks and the like. After that these organisations take over on their own dime. The most the government should do after that is to check up on both the groups and the refugees to see how they are doing. The other thing the government should do is to make sure that refugees of the same type aren’t bunched together in what would become blocs giving way to “no-go” areas that we see in Europe and to a degree in Minnisota with the Somali’s and the Muslim groups.

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