Find someone who loves you as much as Tough Guy Swalwell loves himself – IOTW Report

Find someone who loves you as much as Tough Guy Swalwell loves himself

Patriot Retort: Ladies, a word of advice.  Find a man who loves you as much as Tough Guy Swalwell loves himself.

Seriously, this thick-necked doofus can’t get enough of himself.

Watching the videos he tweets of himself talking into his smart phone camera always leaves me with an overwhelming urge to shout, “Get a room!”

Tough Guy Eric loves himself so much his wife could divorce him on the grounds of infidelity.

And for some reason, he’s under the misguided notion that we adore him almost as much as he adores himself.

Spoiler Alert: We don’t.  Hell, even Democrat voters don’t.

When you’re polling at zero among primary voters, I’m guessing they’re just not that into you, Mr. Tough Guy.

There’s nothing more entertaining than watching Eric Swalwell play his tough guy act on Twitter.

He won’t be intimidated!  He won’t back down!  No, sir, he’s not afraid!  Not of President Trump! Not of the NRA!

The way he bangs on about how fearless he is, you’d think Tough Guy Swalwell was, well, tough.

Second Spoiler Alert: He’s not.

If Eric were such a brave speaker of “truth to power” then why does he fold like a bad poker hand every time the subject of his skin color or gender pop up?  more

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