Finland: Leftist Quits After Allegedly Calling for Death of ‘Climate Deniers’ – IOTW Report

Finland: Leftist Quits After Allegedly Calling for Death of ‘Climate Deniers’

Breitbart: A senior member of Finland’s Left Alliance has resigned over allegations he used an anonymous Twitter account to call for the murder of climate deniers and fascists.

The Left Alliance announced the resignation of Misha Dellinger as Executive Vice President in the west of Finland after reports emerged that he may have called or the death of political opponents, broadcaster Yle reports.

The BBC-like broadcaster published details of Dellinger’s alleged activity on Thursday, noting that the Twitter account @huggywuggy2 had stated “Climate deniers should be shot” and “I think we should kill fascists”.

Li Andersson, leader of the Left Alliance and current Education Minister in prime minister Sanna Marin’s largely female millennial government, denounced the tweets — but said that Dellinger had told her that several people had access to the account and he did not write the tweets in question personally.

8 Comments on Finland: Leftist Quits After Allegedly Calling for Death of ‘Climate Deniers’

  1. All socialists secretly yern for the coke oven for their enemies.

    “As soon as we remove that stubborn opposition, we’ll have smooth sailing for our impossible to achieve plan, then when it fails, we’ll murder the next tier responsible.”

    *If they can dismember their own offspring inside their own body, throw it in the garbage can without blinking an eye, surely, they plot and plan to do much worse to you. –beware of the murderous political animal


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