Finnished – IOTW Report



Jamestown Foundation: By August 2015, at least 70 individuals from Finland had travelled to Syria and Iraq (Suomen Uutiset, July 30). [1] According to an Interior Ministry report from August 2014, the vast majority intended to join “radical opposition groups” operating in the conflict zone. [2] The latest figures underline the continuing flow of fighters from Finland to Syria, and to a lesser extent, Iraq, to join jihadist groups operating in the conflict zone, particularly the Islamic State organization (Verkkouutiset, November 29, 2014).

For Finnish policymakers and security officials, the mobilization of jihadist foreign fighters has been as alarming as it has been unprecedented. Historically, cases of Finnish Muslims travelling abroad to join the caravan of global jihad have been few and far between. In the case of Syria’s protracted and brutal civil war, however, Finland has been one of the most significant Western contributors of war volunteers (and likely jihadist foreign fighters) relative to the size of its small Muslim population of approximately 60,000-65,000 (CNN, September 1, 2014). [3]  MORE

2 Comments on Finnished

  1. They are not Finnlanders. They are muslims born in Finnland.

    They will be coming from Ireland soon, if they are not doing so already. Lots of muslims in Ireland these days. Ditto England, Scotland, Wales, France, Spain and the rest of Europe.

    And don’t forget our own home grown muhommads. Unless we shut down for good, political correctness and this multicultural bullshit, we are lost.

  2. The people who held the Soviet Union at bay for 4 months has turned to shit because of the filthy fucking ragheads.

    Of course, it’s more like suicide since the Finns allowed them in, to begin with.

    The pity of it all.

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