Finsbury Park Attack Suspect Named as Cardiff Resident Darren Osborne – IOTW Report

Finsbury Park Attack Suspect Named as Cardiff Resident Darren Osborne


The alleged driver of the van that killed one and injured ten people outside of a Finsbury mosque Sunday evening has been identified as 47-year-old father of four Cardiff resident Darren Osborne.

Mr Osborne is said to have been positively identified as the man arrested last night by police by a former schoolmate who attended Broadoak Mathematics and Computing College with Osborne. The unidentified man said that he had known Osborne for over 35 years and was sure that the man arrested was the 47-year-old father of four, the Daily Mail reports.

“I’ve known him for 35 years, I grew up with him. It’s 100% him. He lives in Wales, he has four kids and his partner,” the man said.

Earlier today police raided a residence in Cardiff, now thought to be that of Mr Osborne. Neighbours of the 47-year-old say they are “shocked” regarding the allegations. 48-year-old neighbour Pauline Tibbs said, “The police have been back and forth here all day. It’s a terrible shock,” and added, “I’ve seen him walking in the street but never spoken to him. He seemed normal enough. He has lived here a couple of years and kept himself to himself.”  read more

8 Comments on Finsbury Park Attack Suspect Named as Cardiff Resident Darren Osborne

  1. “…please be aware that prejudicial tweets about the alleged attacker may constitute contempt of court, and could even lead to any prosecution or trial having to be abandoned.”

    Abandoned, you say?

    Commence with the prejudicial tweeting, tweeters.

  2. joe6pak, I heard that the only fatality was a heart attack and may not be related to the attack. And I bet most of the injuries belong to people who hurt themselves beating up Darren. Or inhaled too much exhaust as the van idled over their toes. Mucking fuslims ain’t seen nothing yet.

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