Fiona Hill Testifies that Obama Was Putin’s Puppet – IOTW Report

Fiona Hill Testifies that Obama Was Putin’s Puppet

American Thinker-

While the fake news media are trying to convince you that Trump investigating the obvious and blatant corruption of the Biden family in Ukraine is a crime, one of their witnesses declared that Obama danced to Putin’s tune.

Fiona Hill testified that Obama refused to give military aid to Ukraine despite the fact that the “interagency” — the unelected wonks like Vindman who think they not Trump should run foreign policy — said that the U.S. should provide weapons to Ukraine to defend themselves against the Russian invasion.

Hill testified that Obama refused to provide lethal aid to Ukraine so as to not upset Putin.

That’s pretty clear evidence that Obama, not Trump, was in Putin’s pocket.

Hill’s testimony also creates problems for the Democrats’ impeachment narrative.

After all, the elite policy wonks said the U.S. should arm Ukraine to help defeat Russia’s invasion, but Obama said he wouldn’t because that would make Putin mad.  Given that the Democrats are saying in the impeachment hearings that Trump temporarily not following the “guidance” of the interagency is an impeachable offense, clearly, Obama’s permanent rejection of the interagency guidance must also be a crime.

What Republicans are doing is using the impeachment farce to shine a light on the many failings of the Democrats that the fake news media will never cover, including how the Democrats, not Republicans, have always been on Russia’s side. read more

11 Comments on Fiona Hill Testifies that Obama Was Putin’s Puppet

  1. Fiona Hill has been ripped for her testimony on numerous conservative websites but she said several things that favored the President. For a Soros lackey that must have been painful.
    What pains me more is the press is STILL siding with the dems after the hoax has been totally debunked.


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