Fire and Ice: Chicago Train Tracks Set on Fire to Combat Polar Vortex – IOTW Report

Fire and Ice: Chicago Train Tracks Set on Fire to Combat Polar Vortex

Chicago railway employees are setting train tracks on fire to ensure commuter trains can continue running as extreme cold freezes most of the Midwest this week.

According to Chicago’s Metra rail authority, the measure presents the metal tracks from contracting and separating from one another.

See also:

Polar Vortex: Minnesota Utility Urges Customers to Lower Thermostats to Prevent Gas Shortage.

SNIP: Uh… No.

11 Comments on Fire and Ice: Chicago Train Tracks Set on Fire to Combat Polar Vortex

  1. Uh, yeah, right. Lemme see: It’s going to take billions to repair the self inflicted damage. And, of course, Chuck n Nancy are going to make sure you and I pay for it. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

  2. Got woke last night to my phone bellowing an emergency alert. When I got up to check, it was from Consumers Energy asking to have thermostats set to 65. I don’t have Consumers as a supplier.


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