Fired NY Healthcare Workers Burn Their Scrubs To Protest Vaccine Mandates – IOTW Report

Fired NY Healthcare Workers Burn Their Scrubs To Protest Vaccine Mandates

ENVolve: On Saturday, fired healthcare employees in New York protested the vaccine demand outside of Staten Island University Hospital. The medical personnel set fire to their scrubs and chanted, “We will not comply!”

10 Comments on Fired NY Healthcare Workers Burn Their Scrubs To Protest Vaccine Mandates

  1. I’m sure some of them are in videos mocking us for believing they were overwhelmed with covid patients. Remember the Navy hospital ship and the Samaritan’s Purse field hospital that went COMPLETELY UNUSED?

    (Yeah, this is from Philadelphia, but it was happening “all across the country”. Don’t they look all worn out and under terrible stress to you? Me neither.)

    I’m supposed to feel sorry for the same people who, a week ago, were undoubtedly preaching the untested gene therapy and their “boosters”? Now that their ox is getting gored. . .

  2. One day you’re a hero the next you’re a zero. Libs like to use people to their advantage and then bag ’em up and throw ’em in the trash like so much dog shit.

  3. These healthcare workers have spent the past 18+ months in service to fighting COVID and whatever else.
    – For about 10 of those months something called a vaccine didn’t exist
    – Except for Trump’s Project Lightspeed there still wouldn’t be one

    Then one day the governor of the state dictates that you must have this vaccine by this very arbitrary date of October 1 or you will be fired.
    – Ignoring that these very folks must know what they are doing to avoid the disease for 18+ months already
    – Ignoring how destructive this edict is.

    These Democrats are Totalitarians, and it’s bad for our country

  4. I was listening to Dennis Prager yesterday. Someone called in to say that ALL National Guard members being brought in to replace fired health care workers were trained nurses.

    Uh huh.

    And if they were, that means that they were probably working as nurses as their regular job — which means that their regular place of employment is now down some nurses. Who replaces them?

  5. SIUH is affiliated with the mega-corrupt Northwell Health entity which itself is a George Soros collaborator and suspected of insurance fraud, mainly against elderly patients.

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