Fired Yankees Stadium waitress files for class action against NYC mayor over vaccine mandate exemptions – IOTW Report

Fired Yankees Stadium waitress files for class action against NYC mayor over vaccine mandate exemptions

Washington Examiner– A former waitress at Yankees Stadium who refuse to play ball with the Big Apple’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate filed a complaint Thursday against the mayor.

Her complaint, which seeks to become a class-action lawsuit, argues that Mayor Eric Adams‘s order March 24 allowing athletes and performers to be the only workers exempt from getting the COVID-19 vaccine is “arbitrary and capricious” and criticizes the lack of science to back it up. The complaint was submitted on behalf of Virginia Alleyne, the now-fired worker at Yankees Stadium, and “all other Individuals similarly situated” to ask for a declaratory judgment that Adams’s order violates the plaintiffs’ rights and should no longer be enforced unless it applies to all city employees. more

4 Comments on Fired Yankees Stadium waitress files for class action against NYC mayor over vaccine mandate exemptions

  1. This guy is trying very hard to beat out General Dinkins for setting a low bar for competence in office. The fact that he was a cop is what fooled a lot of NYC voters–he’s on the same level politically as the head of the Pentagon but unlike Austin, he thinks he’s fooling everyone with his street creds.

  2. Eric “Crackers” Adams was always a bum and who was booted from politics long ago because he refused to get along with others. He is another de Blasio but is more devious since he hides much of his deceptions such as his recent advocating of a WELLS FARGO CREDIT CARD to the poor/low income to “pay rent” with—while Wells Fargo has a history of scamming and deceiving the public.

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