Firefox Chief Steps Down Beacuse HE Believes in One Man One Woman Marriage – IOTW Report

Firefox Chief Steps Down Beacuse HE Believes in One Man One Woman Marriage

16 Comments on Firefox Chief Steps Down Beacuse HE Believes in One Man One Woman Marriage

  1. Walked into the dentist’s office this afternoon. It was my first visit to his brand new office and first thing I see is the TV mounted on the wall showing two faggots playing tonsil hockey. I almost walked out. I told the staff about my feelings on that and their reaction was that they can’t control the content on television. They can sure control the channel selection though. It was a soap on CBS that showed these two perverts.

    There was a father with his young son and daughter (both preschoolers) watching this s**t. Idiot.

  2. So, if you support gay marriage then you should resign too, correct?

    It’s amazing how dumb Americans are. All you are doing is swapping one PREJUDICE for another. You’re still prejudice. And, I am so prejudiced that I think a person who can’t tell the DIFFERENCE between a red traffic light and a green traffic light shouldn’t be allowed to drive a car!

  3. sig94 ~

    Shock the receptionists in the dentist’s office. Tell ’em the NOISE of the TV’s making your toothache worse. Please turn it OFF. (Then apologize profusely to the other patients)

  4. Imagine a CEO standing up and saying something like this:

    “Hello. I am the CEO of Mozilla. I am also an American citizen. I have the right to speak freely, and I have exercised that right. I am sorry that there are those among us that do not value the right of free speech. I’d like to speak specifically to them. First of all, I value traditional marriage. Is that antiquated? Not really. That said, let me be frank. I don’t care who you have a relationship with. That isn’t my business, nor is it the business of Mozilla. I simply will not be forced to comply with or condone things I have aversion to. Does that offend you? Sorry. You’ll just have to get over that. I run an organization that provides an excellent search engine to those that need or desire one. I would love for you to use our Firefox for your browsing needs, but I will not acquiesce to juvenile temper tantrums. I have neither the time nor the patience for that silliness, and quite frankly, I am too old to care. If that prompts you to use Google Chrome or Internet Explorer or some other search engine, well it’s your call if you prefer to do that. I wish you happy surfing. I have no animosity towards you, but I also will not be silenced by those who have no value for my rights.”

  5. We should be glad he didn’t feel compelled to commit hara-kiri.

    I agree with JMac. WHEN will someone refuse to play the crybaby bedwetters’ game? ‘Yoooo hurt my feeeeelings!’ Suck it up, pusstards!

    Forking unbelievable.

  6. Equality?! OkCupid happily maintains their bigotry against polygamous partnerships… I say we boycott OkCupid till they accept partnerships of any size and construction!

  7. Many alternative browsers out there – Opera, PaleMoon (Firefox code base & plug-ins), Slimboat to name just a few that aren’t corporatist in some fashion.

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