Fireworks Erupt After Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears Refers to Transgender State Senator as ‘Sir’ – IOTW Report

Fireworks Erupt After Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears Refers to Transgender State Senator as ‘Sir’

The chamber was forced into recess twice over Democrat tantrums because Sears initially refused to apologize.

35 Comments on Fireworks Erupt After Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears Refers to Transgender State Senator as ‘Sir’

  1. I’m getting tired of the word “transgender”. I’d like to see a term that more accurately describes the switch from intelligence to insanity.

    How about “transmoron”?

  2. Grocery store on Sunday was checking out and paying attention to the cashier as my wife was handing over store coupons. Coupons don’t always work right and we get screwed so it’s a good time to be alert. My attention was diverted to the bagger boisterously asking how my day was going and rambling about the weather. He was a womanly looking man, or maybe it was a manly looking woman; it looked like a dump truck lesbian that needed to shave. He? She? clearly wanted attention but my eyes were so goddamn confused by what my brain was trying to process, I went into overload protection and refocused back to the cashier without saying a word. On the way out I asked my wife, “what in the hell is that?” My wife said, “There are 2 nametags and one of them says non-binary.” I already felt greasy just being in the vicinity, but then it dawned on me it touched all our food. I felt violated but eventually let my wife talk me out of returning our entire purchase.

  3. Someone posted on X something like ‘I choose not to observe your religious rituals’ re forcing others to use certain pronouns. I think that’s a good, simple response.

  4. A few years ago a gentleman from the VAIB (Virginia Assembly of Independent Baptists) visited the church I was attending. He gave a talk about what the organization was doing and he specifically spoke about Representative Danica Roem. He commented that when working with this Representative he would refer to him as a “her” to be able to make things go more smoothly. I remember hanging my head and grumbling. I should have said something, but I did not want to upset the Pastor and cause a ruckus.
    Good for Lieutenant Governor Sears for doing what is right and defending God’s Word. All Bible believing Christians should not partake in this delusion. If Dan wants to be called Danica, fine, but Dan is a man. I still kick myself for not speaking up.

  5. Do not apologize ever. And if they want to make an issue of it, do your best to leave the area as a way of diffusing the situation. If you are prevented from leaving, well I live in a stand your ground state…and if forced they can take up the issue with my .45

  6. ecp, I ran into a non-binary freak who was the checkout clerk at my local Trader Joe’s recently. I saw he/she/its non-binary name tag and didn’t say anything but got out of there as quick as I could. If I see it again, I will deliberately go to another check out aisle just because. It was very flamboyantly gay more than a regular (whatever the hell a regular tranny might be) tranny and repulsed me. I will still shop at TJ’s but keep an eye open for freaks.

  7. Did a job for the state arts commission. They have some really nice pieces squirreled away, I imagine the directors slide some of that out into private collections… anyway, this is back before the tranny shit really got going. Looking about, I see this six foot ginger, balding on top, scruffy dinge of fur in its face, clownish makeup, black heavy short skirt, black fishnets and a pair of queer imitation work boots on. If followed me around as I did my estimate, not making conversation or anything, just being nearby. I stereotyped it as ‘arts faggot’ and was proud of myself that I never let on how appalled I was. Turns out the freak was a director! Blew my mind! I get the idea of useless government agencies humoring freaks but the freak running the show? Really shook me up.

  8. If a white adult male identifies as black and/or as a child, no one buys it. Why? It’s pretty obvious that he isn’t either or both.

    But if he identifies as a woman, people give him the benefit of a doubt. Why? Because (at least for the time being) people are too afraid of offending others to state the obvious and too polite to demand he drop trousers and present evidence.

  9. It’s not elegant, but one way to begin dealing with those who insist we bend to the whims is to deny gender based services. For example a man who pretends he is a woman shows up for a prostate exam, he is turned away and denied care. I would even consider pursuing fraud charges (whichever ones are applicable….insurance, identity etc) against said individual….possibly even the doctor’s office should they carry out a treatment that is opposite gender of what the patient identifies.

    Require a DNA test for identification. You claim to be a woman and your DNA says you’re a man….no ID for you (female to male applies also). Also hit them with identity theft, falsifying an official form, etc.

    I’m sure there are other ways, but just hold these fuckers feet to the fire every way possible until they accept reality, leave the country or kill themselves. I just don’t care.

  10. XX = female.
    XY = male.
    No in-between.
    Which one are you?
    Now STFD and STFU.

  11. My place of work recently hired one of these mental defects as an office
    assistant… A broad who thinks she’s a man. This creature decorated her desk with tranny bullshit and has filed two EEO complaints in 1 months for being misgendered. I don’t even acknowledge the freak.

  12. Gender is binary as God created – As a former Mental Health professional I usually want to “72” them: i.e. petition the court for a 72 hour observation/evaluation at the nearest psych ward but alas that thinking is obsolete as we now embrace insanity and delusional thinking.

  13. Genetically its obviously NOT a WOMAN. As a man, I am deeply offended having it referred to as a man as well. IT, THING, “Hey You,” or INSANE ONE…would all be preferable.

  14. I’m so sick of queers and mental people who can’t look between their legs and figure out what sex they are.
    They keep making a big ass deal out of a girl who thought she was a their getting her ass kicked and later dying, word on the street is she killed herself by taking a bottle of pain pills.

    She told her Grandmother(her adopted mother) in text messages that these girls were always picking on her and her friends, so she threw water on them and they chased her into the bathroom. It lasted seconds, the three girls jumped her and another mental kid along with some other girls and a staff member standing outside the bathroom broke it up.
    They all walked to the office, all were checked out by school nurse, parents were called. Nurse told her to go to medical facility and get checked out. Which happened, they found nothing wrong with her other than bruising and sent her home. The next day she died, ME says she didn’t die from trauma.
    Yet people are screaming for these other girls to be charged with murder and a hate crime.

    I’m against 3 on 1, but don’t write checks your ass can’t cash and girls having been getting their ass kicked forever. The girls say they went after her because she threw water on them, not because she was mental.

  15. “Sir;
    are you aware that ‘gender’ is a grammatical term? Or do you just want something to whine about and to feign offense?

    Well, how bout: Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die?”


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