Firm Behind Trump Dossier Hired by Planned Parenthood to Smear Videomakers – IOTW Report

Firm Behind Trump Dossier Hired by Planned Parenthood to Smear Videomakers


[…] In the summer of 2015, Center for Medical Progress (CMP) began releasing its undercover videos exposing alleged profiteering on the part of Planned Parenthood and its partners in the biomedical fetal tissue procurement industry. The shocking videos forced America’s largest abortion provider into rapid defense mode, and smearing undercover journalist David Daleiden and his group became a top priority of Planned Parenthood.

The group hired Fusion GPS to perform a forensic evaluation on CMP’s videos, the results of which were reported at Politico in August of 2015 with the headline, “Report for Planned Parenthood Finds Sting Videos Manipulated.”

The Politico report stated:

A report commissioned by Planned Parenthood has found that the sting videos targeting its tissue donation practices contain intentionally deceptive edits and inaccurately transcribed conversations and are missing footage. But there is no evidence that the anti-abortion group behind the attack made up dialogue.

However, Politico also reported on the bias of the company: “The report by research firm Fusion GPS attempts to undermine the videos’ political, legal and journalistic value.”  MORE

5 Comments on Firm Behind Trump Dossier Hired by Planned Parenthood to Smear Videomakers

  1. This is the story that needs complete sunlight exposure. The past year+ has been nonstop Russia/Collusion/Trump Campaign and it has all been built on a lie on top of a lie, on top of a lie. And all the media is complicit. This is what the Special Counsel should be investigating — if it weren’t for the fact that the FBI was in on it.

    I pray this is the loose thread that ravels the whole cloth.

  2. The libtards and republicans (difficult to make the distinction anymore)say that Planned Parenthood needs to be funded, but Trump’s Senate Health Care plan is ‘mean’?

    That’s how fucked up as a society we truly are.

  3. Wow. Talk about kismet. While doing a simple search on Fusion GPS, I came across this site. Three hours later, my mind is blown on who this group is entangled with. What little we’re seeing in our press doesn’t scratch the surface, and yes as always, although not mentioned by name as far as I can tell, Hillary’s gnarled talons pull the strings.
    Think Venezuelans suffering is simply due to socialism? Think again.

  4. Didn’t mean to double post link.
    FWIW, the reporter of the site, Alek Boyd, apparently has been on the right side of investigative journalism in fighting corruption in communist countries, starting with Venezuela from which he hails.
    He’s run up against Max Blumenthal (anti Semitic, pro Hamas and all things terrorism, son of Sid Blumenthal).

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