First: A Medical School In Texas Agrees to Stop Using Race in Admissions – IOTW Report

First: A Medical School In Texas Agrees to Stop Using Race in Admissions

ET: A medical school in Texas will no longer consider race in its admissions decisions—the first in the nation—as the Trump administration seeks to roll back affirmative-action practices put into place by the Obama administration.

The move is part of an agreement between the U.S. Department of Education and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) in Lubbock. The school’s civil rights office reached the deal in February, ending a 14-year investigation into its admission practices.

Scott Lacefield, the school’s senior communications director, told The Epoch Times that they are working with the Education Department to ensure the school provides “diverse cultures, lifestyles, personal beliefs and ideas of all those we serve.”

“[TTUHSC] is committed to a diverse and inclusive medical education and experience while working collaboratively with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights,” he said via email on April 10.

Lacefield also noted that Texas Tech’s School of Medicine department was recently ranked No. 8 in the country among Top Minority Producers of Health Degrees. He said the medical school was committed to “holistic alternatives to enhancing diversity.”

The agreement is the first time that the Trump administration has requested a school to end its affirmative-action practices, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Under Secretary Betsy DeVos, the education department last summer rescinded guidelines put in place under President Barack Obama that said colleges and universities could consider race in admissions decisions as a way of promoting diversity.

A resolution agreement letter in February from the school to the Education Department obtained by The Epoch Times outlined the school’s current plan.

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14 Comments on First: A Medical School In Texas Agrees to Stop Using Race in Admissions

  1. …oh, the 14th Amendment MEANS something again? About time!

    …this will only last until the school is all-White, though, which it will be since the White kids have all learned they need to be 3x as good in actual WORK to get a placement, while the POC kids are all used to coasting…this means that a “lights out” application with NO race cues, picked STRICTLY on merit and skills, will tend to result in the White kids being picked 2 falls out of 3…

    This is an article that I was sent last night about 3 “new” medical schools being created. It ties in very well with this thread. My husband is a retired MD and I am a retired nurse practitioner so we have some knowledge in this area. After reading the article, it sounds like they are creating super sized nursing schools plus SJW. This with Medicare for All should scare all of us for the direction our health care is going.

  3. …and once the school gets over 50% White, its diversity office will start to panic, and begin spending huge sums of money to compete for POC kids all over the world who either have the grades, or come from countries that will happily LIE about their grades, or come from liberal cities (like Atlanta, if you remember) that will ALSO happily lie about student’s grades. They will also start evaluating the White kids MUCH more strictly in the hopes they can get them to leave, while playing up all the “social” aspects of the school for POCs, like racially-exclusive frats, sororities, clubs, Student Unions, etc., all to make the White kids feel unwelcome while virtue-signalling “Yes, we too are down with that. See our hot sauce?”.

    The alternative is losing Federal money anyway, so it’s kind of a lose/lose for them. So, like everything ELSE Government touches, it will just end in a disaster that will divide people even further while contributing NOTHING but confusion to the debate and turning out low-quality young doctors anyway… would be SO much better if the Federal Government just got OUT of education all together. Federal money has done nothing but distort the market, drive UP college prices into the stratosphere, allow liberal professors to very profitably scam taxpayers while imparting Communism on their charges, and gave politicians a WONDERFUL vehicle to make universities dance to whatever tune liberals choose to play at any given moment.

    In short, the best answer is for the Federal Government to stop taking money, stop giving money, get out of the loan business, and get out of the education business. It does NOT belong there.

    Let the courts sort out the hurt fweeewings from there, it kind of what they’re THERE for…but, don’t even WORRY about trying to integrate them. If a University goes all-White, so be it. We have all POC ones anyway, and “Historically Black” universities are quite unfriendly to White prospects, so if everyone makes a university what they want with their own money, so be it.

    If you REALLY insist on regulation, though, look to the TENTH amendment…

    “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

    …there really isn’t Constitutional authority for the FEDERAL Government to do ANYTHING else, all THIS crap was made up by Democrats reaching for power and control…

  4. Left Coast Dan APRIL 11, 2019 AT 10:32 AM
    “Actually it will be 75% Asian and 25% white.”

    …probably true, @Left Coast Dan, but so be it. As long as the doctors are actually, you know, GOOD, I don’t really care WHAT hue they are…

    …but Asians don’t usually count as POC in Liberal Land for some reason, I think because they tend to refuse to fail and be Goverment dependents more so than the groups that Democrats count on for their power…

    “Take away those inequities and Asian enrollment would do what it did at Caltech in California, where racial preferences are outlawed. In 1992, Asian enrollment was 25%. In 2013, it was 43%. According to Students for Fair Admission, an anti-affirmative action group, during the same period, Asian enrollment at Harvard, a staunch practitioner of affirmative action, went slightly downward, from 19% to 18%.”

    (Sorry, it’s CNN, but if even THEY admit this, well..)

  5. I want a good doctor. That’s all I care about.
    In fact my GP is black. Great guy, referred by a doctor friend, and a good GP. I wouldn’t have stuck with him for 15 years if I didn’t consider him qualified. And the only time I think of it is when conversations like this occur.

  6. “…they look out at the health of the population they don’t see it getting better…”

    Yeah, but not because of doctors. Look at how fat the general population is, and smoking is on the upswing.

  7. “Lacefield also noted that Texas Tech’s School of Medicine department was recently ranked No. 8 in the country among Top Minority Producers of Health Degrees.”

    Only trouble is, there were only 8 schools in the list to begin with.


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