First female Green Beret charged in Colorado with accidentally shooting into neighbor’s apartment – IOTW Report

First female Green Beret charged in Colorado with accidentally shooting into neighbor’s apartment

Just The News:

The first female Green Beret is facing a court appearance in Colorado after police said she fired a handgun inside her apartment and sent a bullet into her neighbor’s bathroom.

The woman, identified in police documents as Agnija Reke, 34, has been charged with a misdemeanor and faces a court date later this month in Colorado Springs, according to police and court officials. Reke told officers she fired the loaded gun indoors last month by mistake while training in her home, a characterization echoed by the Army. more

SNIP: She didn’t even bother to go next door and ask if anyone was bleeding or whatever.

Ms. Reke, please accept this complimentary makeup kit from the PX, because girl, that was UGHLYYYY. Oh, and, Army people- You may want to re-evaluate your “Ladies’ Night” recruitment campaign.

Just making an observation. Don’t shoot me. lolz.

37 Comments on First female Green Beret charged in Colorado with accidentally shooting into neighbor’s apartment

  1. Green Beret doesn’t know if her weapon is loaded before practicing? Must of missed a few training classes because she wasn’t feeling well.
    Why smart people don’t hunt with unsafe morons.

  2. 16 years ago the President and a Commie Adm. tried to force SEALS to take women. SEALS said “all are equal” IF SHE DOES WHAT FROGGIES HAVE TO DO SHE’S IN. I think they push 3 or 4 into BUDS ; not 1 lasted a month!
    Good for Frogmen!
    Commie Adm was later President of the hyper liberal UT Austin.
    Bush did same thin with Corps. Corps chickened out and lowered the bar for girls. BAD!
    Have not been a Grunt for 53 years, good. Would not want to face Mao’s boys with a “weak sister” in my squad. War is “for keeps”!

    Green Beanies need to copy SEALS, not the Corps!

  3. I would like to think that she made Green Berets on her own merit but past experiences with both military and police, countless times where standards were either lowered or eliminated to fill fill a quota, I’m jaded.

    Also, probably unknown to most folks, double jeopardy is a thing with the military. She could face charges both in civilian and military court, separately.

    I would go hard on her in both venues, not calling the cops on her own after the discharge and not checking on the apartment next door shows a blatant disregard for safety and a willingness to cover up her screw up.

  4. How about this nugget from the article making excuses:
    “ The weapon is a Smith & Wesson Military & Police Shield 9 mm handgun. The manufacturer has recalled some of its M&P Shield models, for a safety defect that can result in unintended discharges under certain circumstances”

    Cough, cough, bullshit, cough cough.

  5. “I asked Ms. Reke what had occurred and why there was a bullet hole in her neighbor’s bathroom wall to which she explained she had been practicing dry fire training with her personal carry handgun,” ”

    Apparently, the Green Berets don’t do much to train their people in using firearms.

  6. “Apparently, the Green Berets don’t do much to train their people in using firearms.”

    The emphasis nowadays is on close-quarters climate change combat. Bet she’s an expert at that.

  7. Tony R
    JANUARY 5, 2021 AT 10:00 AM
    How about this nugget from the article making excuses:
    “ The weapon is a Smith & Wesson Military & Police Shield 9 mm handgun. The manufacturer has recalled some of its M&P Shield models, for a safety defect that can result in unintended discharges under certain circumstances”

    …not sure what those circumstances are. I’ve carried a Shield 9 for some time now and it has even slipped my Tagua holster while in condition 1 and landed flat on the floor, but no accidental discharge.

    My understanding, and Brad may correct me if he wishes, is that its a striker fire weapon and those tend to be less susceptible to discharges from impacts.

    …in any case, I personally have never had this issue.

    But I’m neither a Green Beret or a beefy chick, so maybe its different for different people, or its complete bull cookies, take your pick…

  8. Maybe this: Practicing trigger pull by dry firing. Lots and lots of people do this every day to save ammo. Here’s the mistake: she was dry firing with a loaded magazine because you only have to partially move the slide to cock the trigger without racking it far enough to strip a round and chamber. It’s easy because you only rack it far enough to reset trigger. She got away with it for a long time, till she got complacent and moved slide just a little bit farther and chambered a round and then bang, what just happened? Just guessing. Doubt the truth will be told.

  9. I liked the part where the neighbor said he wanted to talk to them, but decided to call the cops instead. I imagine that would only happen if he weren’t too fond of his neighbors. I would have patched the hole in the wall and kept it quiet because we all know that no good would come from calling the cops. He must have known it would lead to trouble for her and chose that route intentionally.

  10. SNS

    Shields are a Striker fired weapon and have been rock solid since their release. I’ve never heard of an issue or a recall. The also have a LOADED CHAMBER INDICATOR on the damn things. I think the chick was drunk.
    But as Lowell says,who does dry fires with a hot gun. I use a laser cartridge. Their awesome and will increase your speed and accuracy.

  11. AnonTrooper, I had a friend who was cleaning his pistol and accidentally (or intentionally) assumed that it was unloaded and shot and killed himself. To this day we don’t know if it was an accident or suicide. The first rule I learned about guns from my dad when I started hunting with him was to never assume that a firearm is unloaded.

  12. Thirdtwin nailed this on the first comment. Drunk is a possible too, but I would think that the police would have checked for this.

    December 12… 5 or 6 a.m. on a Saturday morning. Yup. That’s when lots of folks get up and feel inspired to do dry firing practice…

  13. I had a 22 bolt action once that would fire when the safety was taken off if you had inadvertently pulled the trigger when it was engaged. Wouldn’t fire if you pulled the trigger with the safety on but would fire the next time the safety was taken off if you didn’t open then close the bolt first.

    Fortunately, being aware of where my muzzle was pointing at all times kept the discharge downrange and no damage was done.

    Malfunctions that catch you unaware are accidental discharges IMO.

  14. Women are better at subtle killing – using poison to kill a hated rival or a husband.

    Ladies, leave the blood & guts stuff to the men.

    With a potential civil war coming up, we men had better start thinking about being a lot more stoic and regaining the manly virtues, like the ancient Roman soldiers had. That, with our private weapons and support from the rank & file military, we will succeed. It’s our job to physically protect our families and our constitution.

    This is no time for soy boys and cowards.


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