First Human Composting Facility To Begin Operation in 2021 – IOTW Report

First Human Composting Facility To Begin Operation in 2021


Many times on this page I’ve commented sarcastically in response to radical environmentalist claims that our very existence is disrupting universal vibes and doing irreversible harm to Mother Earth, by echoing the words of a skit on the 1970’s National Lampoon record ‘Lemmings’, that they jump into a hole and beat themselves into organic fertilizer to help save the planet & quicken their own demise.

Well, today’s radical environmentalist, who are more concerned about their recycle can and their pets than their children’s education, now will soon have an alternative to Dan Aykroyd’s Lemmings Stage Announcer’s suggestions.

Environmental experts have come up with a revolutionary system to convert human remains into soil as an alternative to cremation or burial.  So now, if they feel there are too many of us them, or they just feel like they’re pustules on the butt of Mother Earth, they can turn themselves into planting material for aunt Alice’s flower boxes. read more

23 Comments on First Human Composting Facility To Begin Operation in 2021

  1. Our deceased family members need to be memorialized in some way and this is a disrespectful practice. Ideally cremains should be buried or interred with memorial stones or markers and published obituaries to preserve our heritage. If you are interested please donate your time to your local historical society for record preservation so future generations may search their family trees. If we don’t look back with reverence how can we look forward to the future?

    If you can’t afford the 300 bucks for a newspaper obit, please type one up yourself and take to your local historical society.

  2. My opinion will be offensive, as it sometimes is, but I don’t care what is done with my corpse when I’m done with it.

    The Bible says there will be resurrection for EVERY person who has ever lived. Some will be raised unto glory and eternal life, most unto judgment, shame and eternal condemnation.

    But ALL will be raised anew out of the corruption of death.

    That means all the people who evaporated at Hiroshima and Nagasaki…those lost at sea and completely disintegrated to molecules…those buried 3,000 years ago and now are scattered dust…the embalmed and the cremated…ALL souls will be raised to physical life again.

    So I couldn’t care less what’s done with my temporary lodging. At that point it won’t be me anymore.

  3. Anonymous DECEMBER 4, 2019 AT 7:31 AM
    “Founder of earth day started it”.

    Not the same since the new plan is more nuanced than composting a body in your own closet.

  4. You could buy premium mulch made from Patriot remains or the cheap mulch made from the remains of evil anti-american hater Democrats (but you do get an extra bonus of extra bullshit)!

  5. I wondered where it would end when they started making jewelry out of cremated remains and then it went to nail art and now compost.

    People like to laugh and sneer when you talk about having morals and valuing life, but look what has happened in the relatively short amount of time schools were nationalized, they immediately started fighting to remove God and for the most part have done a pretty good job. Now you have disrespectful children, having sex before they even reach puberty, queers being taught as normal, teaching kids they’re the opposite sex, people suntanning their buttholes, animal abuse gets you more prison time than child abuse and now composting human remains.


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