First It Was Confederate Generals, Now it’s Black Conservatives – IOTW Report

First It Was Confederate Generals, Now it’s Black Conservatives

Renaming buildings was never about fighting racism.


The Benjamin Carson High School of Science and Medicine near the Detroit Medical Center has an ambitious program of preparing its mostly African-American students for careers in medicine.

Students from Ben Carson High recently toured a hospital and experienced what it’s like to be doctors.

The school’s name, in its own words, honors “Dr. Benjamin Carson whose journey from impoverished, inner-city Detroit youth to acclaimed neurosurgeon is remarkable and is a constant reminder to Benjamin Carson students that their career dreams are achievable.”

Or maybe not.

The Detroit school board voted to rename the school under guidelines that say a school can be renamed when it doesn’t reflect the student population or when “information newly discovered about the current name of the school is negative in nature.”

LaMar Lemmons, a Democrat, was the leading advocate for removing Ben Carson’s name from the school. Lemmons, who along with his wife, Georgia Lemmons, sits on the school board, has used his position to blame Michigan’s emergency managers for all of Detroit’s self-created problems.

Lemmons, a “Bernie-crat”, also got his completely unprepared sister-in-law elected to the State Senate.

“Quite frankly, it is a political thing,” he admitted. “We named a school after an individual who is in the Trump administration.”

The Democrat insisted that having a medical sciences school named after a brilliant African-American surgeon from Detroit was “synonymous with having Trump’s name on our school in blackface.”

“When you align yourself with Trump, that is a direct affront to the city of Detroit and the students of Detroit,” he insisted.

If the name change goes forward, it may be the first instance of a school being renamed because it was named after a Republican.

Lemmons is okay with a school being named after a white slaveholder, but not a black conservative.

“Lewis Cass was a slaveholder,” Lemmons said. “But I would never recommend changing the name of Cass.”

Also on the nomenclature chopping block, for unclear reasons, is the Frederick Douglass Academy for Young Men.  MORE

9 Comments on First It Was Confederate Generals, Now it’s Black Conservatives

  1. This is a perfect exercise in lineral logIc: The problem with Civil War generals is were all white, through no fault of their own.
    The “problem” with Dr. Carson, he is black,through no fault of their own.
    This is the same as comparing apples and oranges apples and oranges, there is nothing to compare.

  2. It’s all in the name. This school was on its way to academic success. Now, if the Left renames the school after Super Marxist, Barack Hussein Obama, the school will be within a year; a crime ridden, low scoring, socialism indoctrination center. What do you expect from Detroit – a leftist stronghold of self-destructive black plantation dwellers.

  3. This is what we get for sitting idly by as these same scum tore down statues of American History. The endgame is the destruction of America, we have to obliterate these marxist assholes. Come on Trump get off your ass and go after these people.


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