First Lady To Impeachment Witness Pamela Karlan: ‘You should be ashamed.’ – IOTW Report

First Lady To Impeachment Witness Pamela Karlan: ‘You should be ashamed.’

Sara A Carter: First Lady Melania Trump defended her son Barron Wednesday on Twitter, telling anti-Trump Stanford Law School Professor Pamela Karlan that children should never be dragged into politics.

Karlan is a liberal Democrat with a disdain for President Trump. She invoked the president’s youngest child into a terrible joke during the House Judiciary impeachment hearing. She said, “contrary to what President Trump has said, Article 2 [of the Constitution] does not give him the power to do anything he wants. The Constitution says there can be no titles of nobility, so while the president can name his son Barron, he can’t make him a baron.” read more

33 Comments on First Lady To Impeachment Witness Pamela Karlan: ‘You should be ashamed.’

  1. I read earlier today that she was on clinton’s ‘short list’ of potential SC nominees, if she had won.
    wouldn’t that have been lovely?
    she’s sort of like rbg with rabies, only not as cute

  2. @ Toby Miles – God forbid, I also read today that she was THE one for ‘ramming’ through same sex under 0bozo.

    The incestuous nature of the Swamp is scarrrrreee.

    I am SOOOOO glad the wonderful FLOTUS called that ugly bitch, inside and out, OUT.

    The Bitch, eff her, and Holder, eff him:

    When they dig deep? WE DIG DEEPER.


  3. The three democrat “impeachment legal experts” all started impeachment talk by March 2017….less then 3 months after President Trump was inaugurated. They were nothing more then spitting vipors….

    The Republicans laid waste to jerry nadler and his comments from 1998/1999 about Clintons impeachment…..The democrats really do have no bottom…..

  4. This is your Democrats highly educated legal scholar from a supposedly highly regarded law school to argue a case for impeachment? And your star witness is so foam flecked bat shit rat fuck lezhate snarly cunt crazy enough that you allow her to speak on your behalf about a minor child that happens to be the offspring of the President.

    I look forward to her testimony in the senate trial.

    Recommend impeachment pelosi house. Send it to the senate. Bring it assholes.

    You won’t. Just by the way. This is made for tv horseshit.

    It may play with the yentas on the View. When a real senate trial begins….

    Well. You started legal proceedings.

  5. OT a bit; Bad mouthing Obama’s ‘kids? No way in hell are those girls genetically related to Barry the Fairy or Big Mike. They are not even genetically related to each other. For starters, focus in on the two completely different skull shapes.

  6. Who is this self important kommie kunt karlan and why should I give a flying phuck what she thinks? Liberal commie bitches can talk shit all they want but all they manage to do is make MORE conservative voters out of us INDEPENDENTS! LIKE ME!!!

  7. sadly, these people have no shame … remember what the Hildabeast said, “There is nothing but The Struggle”. they live to spit on you

    they won’t stop. they must be eradicated. the education of the youth must change so the culture can change. the lessons must be learned; the human condition is inherently lazy when given the comforts of civilization

    history repeats … again & again & again
    just ask the Gods Of The Copybook Headings

  8. I’m not a man, but if I was I don’t think I would be wanting to touch her with a 10 foot pole, so I doubt she could find a man.
    My husband who is not pc at all and most of the time is too blunt for his own good, said when I showed him a video of her that she looked like another one of those angry lesbians who can’t get any d…!!

  9. presenting Law Prof. Woody Allen

    No, in no way does TDS affect their thinking! Importantly, they’re “SCHOLARS”!

    What a wagonful of kaka. Remove these people from my country.

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