First lady unveils restoration of Rose Garden, where she’ll give GOP convention speech Tuesday – IOTW Report

First lady unveils restoration of Rose Garden, where she’ll give GOP convention speech Tuesday

Just The News: First lady Melania Trump on Saturday unveiled the restoration of the White House’s historic Rose Garden restoration, where she’s scheduled to give her speech for next week’s Republican National Convention. The renovation project marks the first time in 60 years that the Rose Garden has been renewed.

The White House said the costs for the renovation were paid through private donations. The National Park Service is responsible for the care and upkeep of White House outdoor spaces.

The first lady is scheduled to deliver her speech from the updated Rose Garden live on Tuesday evening. more

Video here

18 Comments on First lady unveils restoration of Rose Garden, where she’ll give GOP convention speech Tuesday

  1. I expected the JFK (white) rose, and I was hoping for the Pope JPII variety! My very first foray into roses included the Pope John Paul II, and it is the most amazing rose I’ve ever seen and smelled. The blooms are pure white, incredibly large (up to about 6-7 inches) and the scent is citrousy (lemon/lime), and heavenly. Once you sniff one you want to stuff the petals up your nose. Nothing like it. And for fellow rose enthusiasts here, they are extremely hardy as well as pest and disease resistant. We had thrips this year, but they seem easy to control.

    I’m so glad FLOTUS Melania returned the Rose Garden to its former lovliness. The walkways and boxwood borders are gorgous.

  2. @ Gin Blossom

    Did Moose ever again dig in that Garden after the initial News reports or did she switch to “choom” and watch the Honkies work the plantation?

  3. Regarding the WH garden and Obama. How do you tend a garden when you don’t get out of bed before noon? Also, most of the time, she took her mother to tour the world. Nothing better than having the entire administration of Tanganyika genuflect when you walk into a room.

  4. I love my roses. Gophers ate the roots but I managed to save some of them. Cat got a couple of the gophers and I terminated the rest with extreme prejudice.

  5. @Arthur — I’m sorry about your roses. We have moles. They’ve never harmed our plants, but they sure make a mess of the lawn. One kitty is a fabulous hunter and we’ll see a dead mole on lawn from time to time. Not often enough, however.

    The gophers eat the rose roots? Fortunately, moles eat the worms and grubs.

  6. Lovely missus Trump, a word to the wise: Avoid the White House vegetable garden. That’s where Big Mike buried all the dog shit. They thought it was so funny to watch Biden sneak food out of there.

  7. We had an almost biblical grasshopper infestation in early spring still going on and they have destroyed bushes, garden plant, flowering plants and vines. I will have room to plant new ones in the spring and JFK and Pope JPII will be among them.

  8. AA- Not sure if they ATE the roots, they excavated a cavern under the roses. I didn’t notice until one toppled. Then it was GAME ON!
    The Cat was a trooper- she brought me several as gifts.

  9. @This Texan — When your JPII roses begin to flower I promise you’ll be transfixed. And when you stop to smell the roses you better give yourself some extra time because you’ll find it very difficult to stop! I had this same reaction to bergamot the first time I smelled it. It was a scented candle at a store and every time I got a few feet away to continue shopping I found myself going back repeatedly to sniff the bergamot candle — inhaling deeply. Nothing to be done but to put a couple of then in my cart, and I don’t usually buy scented candles! These roses will do that to you.

  10. @Arthur — were you able to save the roses? Great cat!

    (One of ours caught a baby bunny last week. It was extremely upsetting. It was such a dear little bunny. Small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, but with all its fur. Cried my eyes out.)


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