Daily Caller:

The Democratic National Committee announced Thursday the 20 presidential candidates that will participate in the first presidential debate, which is scheduled for June 26-27.

In order to secure a spot in the debate, candidates must’ve either received donations from at least 65,000 unique donors (with a minimum of 200 donors in more than 19 states) or receive at least 1% support in three DNC-approved polls.

14 of the 20 candidates were able to reach both thresholds.

  • Joe Biden, former vice president to Barack Obama
  • Cory Booker, senator from New Jersey
  • Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Indiana
  • Julián Castro, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary to Barack Obama
  • Tulsi Gabbard, representative from Hawaii
  • Kirsten Gillibrand, senator from New York
  • Kamala Harris, senator from California
  • Jay Inslee, governor of Washington
  • Amy Klobuchar, senator from Minnesota
  • Robert “Beto” O’Rourke, former representative from Texas
  • Bernie Sanders, senator from Vermont
  • Elizabeth Warren, senator from Massachusetts
  • Marianne Williamson, author
  • Andrew Yang, entrepreneur



  1. I saw a comment elsewhere that the moderators (anything but moderate – ha!) will lob them softball questions. That may be true, but each one of the candidates knows that there will be only one ultimate victor so they will be at each others’ throats from the outset.

  2. Left Coast Dan, “there will be only one ultimate victor so they will be at each others’ throats from the outset”.

    Not the ones that are in it just for the money. They don’t want to be elected, just take home whatever money they raise that’s not used to campaign.

    But the few that really do want to win, that will be entertaining to watch! Think I’ll wait for the highlight video, though. I have to wash my hair that night.

  3. Moderator : ” America, Your thoughts?”

    Joe Biden, former vice president to Barack Obama: F*ck America!!!

    Cory Booker, senator from New Jersey: “I conquer”

    Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Indiana: “Aye concur”

    Julián Castro, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary to Barack Obama: “Si, Si,”

    Tulsi Gabbard, Hawaii:Am I the only sane one here?Oh, and I agree”

    Kirsten Gillibrand, senator from New York: “Totally” (Flexes)

    Kamala Harris, senator from California: (Jumps up from behind Dais and
    wipes her mouth with a sleeve) “I agree”

    Jay Inslee, governor of Washington: ” I agree”

    Amy Klobuchar, senator from Minnesota: “You Betcha”

    Robert “Beto” O’Rourke, former representative from Texas : (Falls from atop Dais while sweating and agreeing)

    Bernie Sanders, senator from Vermont: (agrees while rifling through Andrew Yang’s Wallet)

    Elizabeth Warren, senator from Massachusetts:”I agree”

    Marianne Williamson, author: “It was a dark and stormy night” (Mic gets cut off)

    Andrew Yang, entrepreneur: “I agree” (feels around for wallet)

  4. @Left Coast Dan
    Think of this as a beauty pageant contest where they are asked those very important “world peace” questions. I can’t imagine that Toddles, Gutless and Halt the race baiter ask anything more than ridiculous questions about climate change blah blah blah. Basically, it will all turn into a bash DT and don’t answer anything circus.
    Beta will be dancing on top of the podium, Warren should take the Indian costume contest, etc.
    Oh yeah…they all get those participation and thanks for breathing trophies that Dems love to hand out.

  5. The Circus is coming to town! Will there be elephants to augment the clown show? Will there be a big tent?

    Isn’t it exciting? I want to be there to see the clowns coming out of the Clownmobile. That will be the only thing worth seeing.

  6. Anonymous JUNE 14, 2019 AT 1:08 PM
    “How it ends: Biden and Sanders in a incoherent shouting match with lots of flying spittle”

    …so, take out “Biden and Sanders”, and basically what EVERY democrat does EVERYWHERE, ANYTIME they are allowed to speak?

  7. What they need is a game of musical chairs. One chair is removed while music plays. When music stops, the one left standing is automatically eliminated. No need for questions, just some outlandish music.


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