First Star Trek musical takes song and dance to the final frontier – IOTW Report

First Star Trek musical takes song and dance to the final frontier

Ever watched Star Trek and wondered: “Why is no one singing? Why is no one dancing?” If so, you’re in luck.


13 Comments on First Star Trek musical takes song and dance to the final frontier

  1. “In another unexpected twist, the songs in Pon Farr are all arranged for surf band.”

    Yeah, I was expecting rap. I suppose they’ll have an all-black cast to make up for the racist surf music.

  2. Only in Oregon. It actually sound kind of fun until one of the group started talking about how Star Trek was always leaning toward social justice and on how the TNG episode “Drumbeat” resonated with her/him/whatever about persecuting people based on race that especially moving after 9/11. Christ on a crutch, it was a TV show can’t these SJW just accept that and forget that while Gene Roddenberry pictured the perfect future people seem to forget he was quite the little dictator on both the show(s) and the movies. Anyway, they ought to invite Bill Shatner. Hell, he’d be up on stage before the end of the first act taking over the Kirk role. He did publish an album you know 🙂

  3. scr_north, I always thought Star Trek Vagina–I mean, Voyager–was prep for President Hillary. Commander Vajaneway even had a Hispanic VP/Rogue Husband, Slick Guilermo Chakotay. I couldn’t tell you much more about the show, as the above was all I needed to know.

  4. -Spoiler Alert- As if.. I just watched the new “Star Trek Beyond” movie and they’ve added a rap song from N.W.A. called “Fight the Power”. And let’s not forget the Beastie Boy’s “Sabotage” song was tossed in as well for whatever reason.. even a final farewell to the now departed Spock. I’m not sure why.. But, I found it hard to watch.

  5. I wonder if it’s at all possible for libtards to come up with something original rather than re-hashing someone else’s work, but putting their mentally ill spin on it and then pretending they’ve done something great.

  6. How bout “Holocaust – The Musical!”
    Or “Holodomor – A Terpsichorean Delight!”
    Or “Dancing with the Rapugees!”
    Or “Armenian Genocide – For Saxophone and Piano.”
    Or “Answering the Musical Question: Wanted Dead or Alive?”

    izlamo delenda est …

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