First Trump declassified Russia document: Christopher Steele’s 2017 confessional to the FBI – IOTW Report

First Trump declassified Russia document: Christopher Steele’s 2017 confessional to the FBI

Steele told FBI he leaked Russia collusion story to help Clinton and Great Britain, and was connected to his primary dossier source by former NSC staffer and impeachment witness Fiona Hill. MORE

15 Comments on First Trump declassified Russia document: Christopher Steele’s 2017 confessional to the FBI

  1. Going online and seeing FBI agents taking a knee to BLM last summer pretty much nipped in the bud any optimism I ever had in the rule of law.

    Specifically the photo of the 300+ pound gal-cow in obeisance to racist anarchists.

    I shed a tear for our country that very day

  2. Exactly Loco…’s like when they rang the bell for the last day of school to let out.

    I don’t know about you all, but I spent my summers clearly up to no good in any way shape or form.

  3. Clicks on link….


    Period correct Peanut tanks, flanders barz, Biltwell recoil grips…..

    :drinks alka seltzer, puts cold compress over eyes:

  4. The Swamp foiled President Trump’s declassifications.
    But those Presidential actions are legal and Official, so I hope he copied all the delcassified materials AND PUBLISHES THEM NOW, AFTER OFFICE.

    I’ve never bought those books that politicians write (supposedly by themselves)- because they are essential political payoffs (and should be illegal–nobody is buying Barky’s bullshit books with their own $$).

    But I would buy such a book to support President Trump’s revelation of these criminals.

  5. You mean Biden has not been sitting in his office using his Presidential crayon to write out those 17 Executive Orders to take us back to the Obama administration in a few hours?

    Well, who is writing those I wonder.

  6. They’re not going to release much of anything that would be actionable. Relatively few people among the public pay attention to the information and half of them are in agreement with the actions revealed.
    The truly damning information will remain carefully guarded to protect the many guilty DC insiders.
    Even if there was full release who would stand up to pursue those implicated, and just who would be willing to listen in that corrupt environment?
    Unless and until the unlikely event of another outsider like Trump comes along things will not change.

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