First US Pilot To Score Air-To-Air Kill In Nearly 20 Years Speaks Out – IOTW Report

First US Pilot To Score Air-To-Air Kill In Nearly 20 Years Speaks Out

“I did not directly communicate with the Syrian Jet but he was given several warnings,” Tremel explained. “We released ordnance and yes it hit a target that was in the air, but it really just came back to defending those guys that were doing the hard job on the ground and taking that ground back from ISIS.”

‘I Didn’t See The Pilot Eject:’ First US Pilot To Score Air-To-Air Kill In Nearly 20 Years Speaks Out

8 Comments on First US Pilot To Score Air-To-Air Kill In Nearly 20 Years Speaks Out

  1. “I did not directly communicate with the Syrian Jet”

    the way I see it , you not only directly communicated with him but you got your message to him loud and clear !

    great job !

    now to all the scum sucking politicians and lock step msm reporters who sent this poor fellow into battle without a clear definition of victory and the materials for achieving this victory, including your overwhelming support at all time …I hope you get what’s coming to you for your selfish actions.

  2. All the money spent for technology, target tracing, missile guidance and pilot training were funds well spent. After enough of those idiots bite the dust, the USAF will be feared and the flying carpet air wing will not be in a hurry to engage in suicide runs.

    Well done, Sir!!!

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