First vaccine for birth control now in clinical trials – IOTW Report

First vaccine for birth control now in clinical trials

If you believe you’re an animal, you’ll be treated like one.

(Natural News) Humanity’s first contraceptive vaccine is already in clinical trials, according to an article published this week in The Atlantic.

(Article by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. republished from

Reporter Katherine J. Wu, Ph.D., described the vaccine, as envisioned by its developer Professor Gursaran Pran Talwar, stating that it would be:

“A new form of contraception that could block pregnancy without the usual trade-offs — an intervention that’s long-acting but reversible; cheap, discreet, and easy to administer; less invasive than an intrauterine device and more convenient than a daily pill.

“It would skip messy, sometimes dangerous side effects, such as weight gain, mood swings, and rare but risky blood clots and strokes. It would embody the sort of ‘set it and forget it’ model that’s become a gold standard for health.”

Rather than disrupting the menstrual cycle, as hormonal forms of birth control do, the vaccine uses the immune system to prevent pregnancy by blocking fertilization. MORE

20 Comments on First vaccine for birth control now in clinical trials

  1. There needs to be a birth control for males. Women should scream about being the ones to prevent pregnancy. Males can procreate multiple times in a day, where as a female it takes 9 months. Women always get the $hit end of the stick. Men, if you’re against abortions, then prevent one, get the BC jab. Yeah I know it isn’t a popular idea among males. But heh, why not? Give me a reason why it’s always left to the female?

  2. So the jab hasn’t sterilized enough of humanity already? They are going to need folks to work the plantation in the future. Maybe they don’t realize that yet.

  3. @Jethro – from reading the article, it seems the vaccine prevents conception, so if that is the case, it would not be killing a potential human.

    Scary shit though – messing with the immune system. So many immunity problems that we still don’t truly understand – peanut allergies for instance…

    Maybe we should start the trials with all attendants of the WEF…

  4. Attacks the fetus? What happens if it only attacks some of the fetus and the fetus survives?

    And, how long does the vaccine last inside a woman’s body before it stops murdering and/or deforming fetus-to-be babies?

  5. I’ve stayed out because this shit is killing my health. Needed a break and took one.

    Pop back in and see this.

    …Some of you may recall some months ago, I commented that I had a probably Vaxxx injured seizure patient that went through a series of twitchy trips to the floor in various places in the plant, sometimes on a production line, sometimes not. I guess it was the third time that she said she was pregnant, having left that lil’ detail out the first two, which doesn’t toast my onions since I’m not her doctor, but pre-eclampsia is a thing they wanna know about at the hospital that doesn’t always jump out at you with a womamn in early pregnancy unless she SAYS something or you do a pregnancy test, which is a bit impractical in an industrial bathroom.

    Anyway, last week came a call to the ladies room. Seems there was a gal in there doing her modern take on St. Vitus’ Dance. I get there and look down on a currently not twitching young lady bleeding from the nose with a scared but resolute Muslima at her side in farily narrow confines. When I see WHO it is, I’m thinking “here we fucking go again”.

    Bunch of other people are happy to push the wheelchair up, which is OK since she was caught on her way down by the aforementioned Muslima and the nose bleeding was from a pre-existing condition and not trauma, but only this tiny Islamic gal who was probably as freaked out about having to talk to a non-related man in the ladies’ room as she was the original collapse, had the sauce to help me lift from her side as I lifted from mine. Don’t judge a book by its cover is what I’m saying, I’m pretty sure this wasn’t her thing but she stepped up where a bunch of men and domestic women didn’t, for which me and my shot knees was quite grateful.

    Anyhow, we got her in the chair, trundled her off to the first aid room, and found out she was preggers again. Great. She wasn’t really a fan of going to the hospital yet a fucking gain, but because of the presentation and her blood pressure and the fact that we’re a, you know, FACTORY and can’t DO medical test here, we talked her and her gestating infant into taking a ride in the Little Red Truck.

    She came back a couple of days later. Normally, it would be by rabbit to follow up a bit, seeing as how I kind of want to keep an eye on folks who have a propensity to pass out around industrial machenery, which is how I found out about the miscarriage last time, but this time I just don’t want to do it.

    Because I don’t want to hear it.

    I am SICK of this shit. Twenty one fucking years old and poisoned at the request of her own fucking goverment to the point where she can’t carry a fucking CHILD without having unscheduled break dances when she tries to make a damn living, dependent on someone to catch her when the Syncope Surprise strikes, needing an old man and a small foreign woman to lift her into a fucking wheelchair because there’s times she just can’t do it herself.

    I’ve learned in life that to not ask questions I don’t want the answers to, and this is one of those times.

    There’s a number of reasons I stepped away from running the Red Buggy back in the day, primarily financial and also that I was about to start a family, but that wasn’t all of it by a longshot. No, after a decade of schlepping the sick and injured around, I was burnt out on two things; one, little kids and babies, particuarly the abused ones since the Government lost interest in actually dealing with fuckheads of hue even back in the day, and two, the flood tide of desinstitutionalized mental patients that the Government just loosed on the communities with no real plan other than to, then as now, get Democrats elected with false, hypocrital “caring” that dumped them and the people they attacted into the EMS system in a very pointless way since the hospital was just going to spring them anyway EVEN IF A COP RED-TAGGED THEM.

    I got sick of THAT shit, so I quit doing it and turned to other, and more profitable, things.

    You will notice the thing that popped up in BOTH of those was “Goverment”.

    Funny how the thing that’s burning me out AGAIN has that SAME ROOT.

    …I put the Star of Life back on here just kinda to dip my toes back in the water, and because there was some need. It’s a factory so people get cuts and bruses and bumped heads and whatnot, and some aren’t young and it gets hot so chest pains and such aren’t unheard of. I was good with that, helping folks was something I did even without a formal program because it’s just something I’ve never really got out of my blood and probably never will, rusty though my skills were they beat nothing and it gave me a break from the everyday sometimes. So why the hell not. And that’s what it was for awhile, bandaids and resting folks and every great once in awhile calling an ambulance for folks like my friend who had a heart valve fail 2 months before retirement, but they gave him one from a cow and he’s fine now except for the jokes.

    Then came 2020.

    My scorecard now is 5 cardiac issues in people under 30, two bouts of full CPR with AED deployment, one deceased for no fucking reason according to the coroner and one survived, two active seizure paitents, chest pains every other week, one miscarriage, a -bunch- of cancer patients in various stages of treatment, and a host of periodic issues that are maybe Jab maybe Fentanyl maybe something else that weren’t there in previous years IN A WORK FORCE THAT HAD TO BE MEDICALLY CLEARED TO START WORKING.

    Bear in mind this isn’t my actual JOB, I’m not in every building all the time, some days I’m not in ANY building, and I’m not here all the time in a three shift 7 day operation, so these are just the ones I’ve PERSONALLY had to deal with. I hear from others that it doesn’t stop when I go home, not at ALL.

    That’s why the Company just bought two more AEDs and a bunch of OTHER first aid equipment.

    That we didn’t NEED before 2020.

    AEDs do not add anything to the bottom line, so its of no benefit to them, a profit needing company, to buy them.

    But if they, along with every OTHER place, are buying them, it must be that they ALSO anticipate a sigificant portionn of their work force will try to die on the job, which isn’t great for morale, plus now you need to hire a new guy. Good luck with that in the current year.

    Sorry about the rant. I’m just sick of it, and I appreciate the friendly ear here.

    But unlike my long ago FD work, I can’t quit it, because it isn’t really my job to begin with. Well, I accepted this curse when I accepted the Rod and Snake, so here we are. Guess I’ll learn to deal in what little time I’ve left, with what I hope is the Lord’s help and grace though even He seems to have left us to our evil at times. Sometimes I think we’ve exhausted the patience of even the Lord.

    …But after all this, now they have a shiny NEW Vaxxxine!!! Probably now with MORE mRNA!!! That promtes hedoism to young women of child bearing ages!!! Here, just take THIS Jab and never have to worry about the consequences of sex again!

    …my GOD, satan is clocking overtime these days!

    I can hardly wait for the twitching young women, the cardiac problems during pregnancy, the mutated babies with birth defects (another thing that’s getting REAL common these days), and the forever barren wombs of those who aren’t flooding the country illegally as the replacement population, as usual, will be exempt.

    For some reason.

    That consequence-free sex concept is a POWERFUL lure to the young, the strong, those who may yet be able to realize what “their” nation has become and with enough time left on their clocks to do something about it.

    I think the Communists may have hit their unholy grail here. The kids that they’ve taught to turn their back on religion and trust the Soience are now being tempted by an apple as old as Eve, a proven winner for evil.

    The blood tide is thus loosed, and all who would counter it sentenced to death by their own hand.

    God help us.

    No one else will.

    No one else CAN.

  6. A vaccine for BC….with unknown/untested side effects.
    Give/test it on unmarried welfare baby mommas that keep popping out infants from multiple baby daddies that don’t support their babies.
    (Don’t call me racissss. Did I mention color or race above?)
    “You want your welfare check & EBT card to be refilled? Then you’re takin’ this mandated gooberment injection. Never mind what it’s for. Just take it….now.”

  7. Genipero
    AT 3:31 PM

    I will Genipero, thanks. She’s recovering well with the mercy of the Lord, I appreciate that she’s still in your thoughts and prayers.


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