First Women’s College To Admit Transgender Dudes Has Now Declared A Financial Emergency – IOTW Report

First Women’s College To Admit Transgender Dudes Has Now Declared A Financial Emergency

DailyCaller: The first all-female college in the United States to admit male undergraduate students who identify themselves as female officially declared a “financial emergency” earlier this week.

The women’s school in dire economic is Mills College in Oakland, California, reports Inside Higher Ed.

The board of trustees announced that Mills is currently running a $9 million yearly operating deficit. The $9 million shortfall is about 16 percent of the school’s 2017 budget of $57 million.  more

13 Comments on First Women’s College To Admit Transgender Dudes Has Now Declared A Financial Emergency

  1. Chicks with dicks will sink your ships!

    Once it closes due to this trendy insanity, Trump will buy it for pennies and turn it into an insane asylum with luxury accommodations for all the trust fund hemorrhoids that blew gaskets in his eight years.


  2. From one of the articles: [the college] “will promote both the liberal arts and preparation for careers.”

    Without realizing it the college has admitted a liberal arts degree doesn’t prepare you for a career.

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