First Workers, Now Blacks: Democrats’ Betrayals For Big Business Are Piling Up, But Can Republicans Seize It? – IOTW Report

First Workers, Now Blacks: Democrats’ Betrayals For Big Business Are Piling Up, But Can Republicans Seize It?

Now roughly 72 percent of black New York City residents aged 18-44 are banned — banned — from entering dining establishments.

13 Comments on First Workers, Now Blacks: Democrats’ Betrayals For Big Business Are Piling Up, But Can Republicans Seize It?

  1. The Republicans wouldn’t seize on an opportunity if it came up and slapped them in the face.

    Bunch of spineless gutless wonders except for a few you can count on one hand.

  2. One thing their plandemic has done for the good is get Mexicans to go back to Mexico.
    I’ve been reading articles about schools with large Mexican populations whining that their students have disappeared and they can’t find some of them, others they’ve learned their families went back to Mexico.

    Not just those schools though, all schools are whining that their students have left and they have less money because of it.

  3. DAN Pleas sit down, have a Manhattan or Old Fashioned; i have what may be shocking!

    I have spent many, many hrs. on 10-Qs, 10-Ks, and Annual Reports. The Board and executives at DOMINION a re almost all (not all) “BUSH REPUBLICANS”!

    I warned you.

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