FISA Abuse Report Is ‘Lengthy’ And Has ‘Few’ Redactions, DOJ Watchdog Tells Congress – IOTW Report

FISA Abuse Report Is ‘Lengthy’ And Has ‘Few’ Redactions, DOJ Watchdog Tells Congress


The Justice Department inspector general’s report on possible FBI abuse of the foreign surveillance process is “lengthy,” and is likely to be made public with “few” redactions, the inspector general told lawmakers Thursday, according to a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Michael Horowitz, the inspector general, informed Republicans and Democrats on four congressional committees with a status update on the report, which will detail an investigation into whether the FBI complied with laws and policies in applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Republicans have anticipated the report for months, with many speculating that it will show that the FBI misled the FISA court by relying heavily on the unverified Steele dossier to spy on Page.

Horowitz’s description of the report is likely to please Republicans, in that it suggested most of the information that the watchdog uncovered will be made public.

“Given that our draft report is lengthy, and concerns sensitive national security and law enforcement matters, we understood that it would take the Department and the FBI some time to work through and appropriately mark the entire report,” Horowitz said in the letter. more here

10 Comments on FISA Abuse Report Is ‘Lengthy’ And Has ‘Few’ Redactions, DOJ Watchdog Tells Congress

  1. More swamp water or the real thing? We shall see.
    I’m fully prepared to be disappointed and expecting some sanitized garbage that absolves the criminals as usual.

  2. If the whole FISA bullshit can be abused so easily, it should be eliminated.
    The entire point of a “judge” acting as “gatekeeper” has been shown to be a complete farce.
    Either the lawyers representing the accused should be allowed to see the “evidence” or the theater must be scrapped. To pretend that, somehow, “justice” is being served is absurd – and now there is absolute proof.
    The “judge” over the FISA application should be impeached(!) and removed from office, denied his(her) pension, and imprisoned for the remainder of its life.
    Whatever the intent and purpose, it failed miserably.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. We are all growing impatient with the process.
    Justice had better be served soon. Otherwise we could see a resurgence of Democrat corruption in 2024. The head of the snake must be cut off.

  4. “We don’t want to point fingers.”

    “Mistakes were made – and we want to ensure that it never happens again.”

    Same old, same old. Same tired old used oats (processed through a horse).

    “… sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. New boss. Not the same as the old boss.

    Because they collect the tyrants of the old regime. And behead them in public. For being tyrants of the old regime.

    Now. Let’s all point. And shriek, “Muslims!” Good. Now let’s all roll over on the couch. Our work here is done.

  6. TIM
    19 years ago – to the day – conservatives were vociferous in their loathing of the UNPATRIOTIC “Patriot Act”! What you are describing is precisely what conservatives predicted 19 years ago.
    Bus pushed this law to protect his leftist DEEP STATE henchmen.
    It was clear then that the immoral President did not want to protect America; only the liberals in the :FBI, CI….!

    CONSERVATIVES WERE RIGHT! As your comments show!

    A conservative President said 36.8 years ago, “….THE GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM!”! Patriot Act is proof positive that Ronny understood, AND WAS HONEST!


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