FISA documents to be handed to Trump next week – IOTW Report

FISA documents to be handed to Trump next week

Sources tell Fox News contributor and investigative reporter Sara Carter that President Trump is expected to receive the FISA documents by next week.

23 Comments on FISA documents to be handed to Trump next week

  1. Almost completely redacted, no doubt.

    Speaking of redacted docs, the rumor mill is saying that Grassley wants the unredacted version of the letter that Ballsy-Ford sent to DiFi, and it will prove to be the exact same letter which was sent about Gorsuch, with only the names changed. That is, if you believe there is a Gorsuch letter, which I don’t.

  2. As BB has mentioned earlier, bring in the Marines. Protect all documents. Military tribunals. Take them all down at once along with anyone that steps in the way.
    If you’re dirty so be it, regardless of which party you belong to. And we know the Clinton’s will be the first to try and skip the county.

  3. How will Trump know that everything is there? We have proof that the Deep State is busy not giving Trump what he wants to show that he was right all along. Either this has to be fixed or we’re done as a free nation. JMHO.

  4. MORE INFO ON THIS FOR THE SKEPTICAL – meaning all of you above
    (in 2 formats)
    (with comments)

    HOROWITZ *also* has EVERYTHING…and Rosenstein is in an impossible situation. If he doesn’t comply with the Order, he is GONE. Sessions fires him, or Trump does. No one will lament his firing. And if RR is fired, Mueller is finished (hint – he is already). This may well be the strategy.

  5. Of course it takes at least a week to create fake documents. And by “next week” they mean “the week after next week”. I predict there will be another fight and we won’t have the full, unredacted documents before the November elections.

  6. For decades everyone just swallowed whole all the lies that government wanted to dish out.
    Do you really believe this mentality is new? Think of all the foreign countries that despised our meddling CIA and all it’s interventions.

    If the Big Meteor were put up for a vote, it’s Si from me.

  7. There’s been one hell of a chess game going on for a while. But it’s just about check mate. Don’t expect these deep state commies to go with out a fight right to the end. Like Hitlary said, “If I get indicted I’m taking half this town with me”. The stakes are high.
    And by the way James O’Keefe has perfect timing.

  8. For those that believe Sessions is a “good guy” and that we need to “trust the plan,” I’m wondering: what is preventing Sessions from addressing the nation to set the record straight on this monumental lie? What more is needed at this point in order to indict people, put them on the stand under oath, and implicate others? How do you reconcile the fact that Good Guy Sessions knows (there’s no way he does not know) this is all a ruse against our President and our very nation – but is silent and invisible while people’s lives are destroyed, elected officials and employees openly engage in Sedition, and the nation descends into chaos and division, with talk of “civil war” on the part of some?

    All over a lie that Sessions knows is a lie. Why?

    (Don’t try to infer or extrapolate from this what my thinking is on this whole thing. I can assure you, it’s not conventional. Just wrestling with this point. I just don’t accept “it would compromise the investigation/plan/chess game for Jeffy to simply assure the nation and speak directly on the past 2 freaking years of nonsense)

  9. Ted Nougat

    “For those that believe Sessions is a “good guy” and that we need to “trust the plan,” I’m wondering: what is preventing Sessions from addressing the nation to set the record straight on this monumental lie? ”

    The theory behind “Trust Sessions” is that it’s a matter of timing. A good majority of these people need to be arrested simultaneously. Reports are the Sessions and Huber have been meeting with their teams. Everyone of us wants some red meat. Let’s hope it’s coming soon.

  10. Ted Nougat

    Another thought. If Jeff Sessions is truly as ineffective has he appears, I can’t believe Trump wouldn’t have done something about him by now. So i’m hopeful there’s something big going on that we don’t know about, or at least we can’t confirm.
    Interesting that Sara Carter is basically saying the same thing Q has for a long time now.

  11. @Goldenfoxx September 20, 2018 at 10:20 am

    > Either this has to be fixed or we’re done as a free nation.

    “I see dead people”… (sigh)

    “I. See. Dead. People.”…

    “I… See-ee…” …

    “Oh, never mind.”

  12. @Bad_Brad September 20, 2018 at 2:32 pm

    > I can’t believe Trump wouldn’t have done something about him by now.

    Donald J. Trump? Donald John Trump? Forty-fifth President of The United States of America?

    Father of Ivanka Trump. Father of Tiffany Trump. Father-in-law of Jared Kushner. Ex-husband of Ivana Zelnícková. Ex-husband of Marla Maples. Husband of Melania Knauss.

    Multi-ill-ionaire real estate developer. Multi-ill-ionaire celebrity. Multi-ill-ionaire international mogul.

    Wouldn’t have taken down the international house of credit cards? By now?

    Oh-aww…. You got me! Now, that, THAT, @Larry the Liberal, is how you TROLL!

    Well played, sir. Well played, indeed!

  13. “A good majority of these people need to be arrested simultaneously. Reports are the Sessions and Huber have been meeting with their teams. Let’s hope it’s coming soon.” – Bad Brad

    And, if not, WE’RE up to depending on Shooters like YOU and tsunami…at my age with my eyesight, I’m willin’ to give it my best, but – unlike you PROS – I’m an Urban Rambo (i.e. more commitment than ability beyond xxx yards), and have no shame at that: not everyone (or even every one of the III%) is – OR NEEDS TO BE – a George Washington.

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