Fish Falls From Sky – IOTW Report

Fish Falls From Sky


It’s raining fish, a New Jersey couple claims after dashcam footage caught a fish falling from the sky, smashing their car’s windshield.

Cynthia and Jeff Levine said they heard their car alarm going off Sunday afternoon and when they went to check what was going on, they discovered the windshield of their Tesla Y was shattered, according to Asbury Park Press (APP). The car was parked in their driveway when the incident occurred, the outlet noted.

“We were baffled. We looked at the garage camera and there was nothing. Then we went to the Tesla’s dashcam and saw the fish fall out of the sky, bounce off the windshield, and land in the garage,” Cynthia told APP.

In a video shared by NBC New York, a fish can be seen flopping off the windshield as shattered glass flies with it. The fish then appears to fall into the open garage. more

23 Comments on Fish Falls From Sky

  1. That fish went ballistic.

    M̶a̶n̶n̶a Bluefish from Heaven. A distant booming voice was heard, “Would you like some Tar Tar sauce with that?”

  2. Dropped by an osprey

    I was waiting for the train ~2003 and an osprey dropped a branch off a poplar the size of a Louisville Slugger that came down inches from another guy’s shoulder. It would have killed him had it hit him on the head.

  3. My grandmother told us a tall tale about fish raining down over Dalton Gardens, Idaho just north of Coeur d’ Alene when we were kids back in the 60’s. Evidently there was a microburst over Hayden Lake a mile north of my grandparent’s farm that caught a bunch of fish and swooped them up into the air and carried them over the hill from Hayden Lake. An older female cousin told me that it was true because she had seen it too but I’m still skeptical and thinking that they were just trying to pull our legs with this outlandish story. And another time a few years ago my daughter and I were up by the duck pond in Manito Park on Spokane’s S. hill talking our golden retriever for a walk when a kestrel, a small hawk like a peregrine falcon was chasing after another kestrel which a small catfish in its mouth and knocked the catfish out of the other kestrel’s beak which fell on the ground right in front of us. I picked up the bloody catfish and threw it back into the pond. That is a true story unlike my grandmother’s tall tale about fish raining down over Dalton Gardens.

  4. I once lived in place where there was a backroad next to a pond out in the woods with Frog Crossing signs. Never saw a frog, not even once.

    I lived in another place later and went on a long road trip that went through the woods. All of a sudden frogs were bouncing off the car. Was doing at least 55 MPH since that was the Max limit back then. No notice, no warning just out of nowhere. Thousands and thousand of frogs were migrating across the road from one pond or lake to another. There were cars behind me so I know there are at least 2 other witnesses.

    Similar thing happened another time and different place with a flock of rabbits at about 30 MPH. About a dozen just sprang out of the brush right in front of me. Tried to brake but clipped one and saw it flopping in the mirror. I stopped and had to dispatch it manually. Kind of a bummer when it happens.

    I’ve heard similar Fish tales years ago after wind spouts and also after water bucket bearing forest fire fighting helicopter runs in western states.

  5. A couple of generations ago, Charles Fort extensively documented stuff falling from the sky. There even was (is?) a “Fortean Society” following up on this.

  6. Good thing for this couple that it wasn’t “Raining Men”.

  7. A few years ago while watching TV news the local weather forecaster for CBS NYC was outside (far West Side of Manhattan)to do the weather report when a Bald Eagle flew over & dropped a fish at his feet .

  8. On Hwy. 200 N. and E. of Sandpoint, Idaho about 10-15 miles N. up by Hidden Valley Golf Course and Resort and nearby Pend O’ Reille Lake as you go around a curve in the road there is a turtle crossing sign. I don’t know if there actually turtles there because I’ve never seen one crossing the road.


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