Fish Shoots Man’s Penis – IOTW Report

Fish Shoots Man’s Penis

Salty Cracker with the details.

21 Comments on Fish Shoots Man’s Penis

  1. Way back, decades ago a guy hunting pheasant on a WDFW release site lost his head and started poking at a bird his dog had pointed with the butt of his shotgun… or maybe it was the other way around. True story. I got in trouble for joking about it at school. To her credit, my mom wasn’t having any of it.

  2. Stoopid should hurt. And it did. Good on the fish, I hope it got away.

  3. So you wanted a Circumcision?

    Reminds me of the old joke: He can’t be circumsized cuz there ain’t no end to that prick….
    in his case there ain’t no end on that prick!

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