“Five Aditinsthghga Air Degeeens Shystems!” – IOTW Report

“Five Aditinsthghga Air Degeeens Shystems!”

Did he say urine?

10 Comments on “Five Aditinsthghga Air Degeeens Shystems!”

  1. Another observation that I have made, but don’t see any of the “conservative” commentators opining on.

    Here we have what was obviously a DEI hire in the cackling knob gobbler. The proponents of DEI would have you believe that DEI doesn’t necessarily result in totally unqualified people in vital positions. I would argue that it always does exactly that.

    So, who occupies the highest level position in the country, if not the entire world, who was obviously put there as a result of DEI. Why that would be this fucking halfwit Kamala Harris.

    The Democrats are fighting like hell to not have her replace what they now are admitting is a pervert who is suffering from advanced dementia.

    Tell me again how DEI does not necessarily result in unqualified individuals being in positions they have no qualifications for.

  2. Putin has done a magnificent job of stripping the West of war material it has not the time, the money, nor the industrial base to replenish.

    This should pay rich dividends to China and Russia when Ukrane ultimately falls.

  3. @JDHasty – actually there has been some pushback from the Dems, claiming that the right is calling The Cackler a DEI hire. But the reality is that Biden himself called her that during the last election, it was an absolute that he was going to have ‘a woman of color’ as VP.
    Oh, and ‘of color’ really means only one ethnicity. Which is why KAM-a-la changed hers, from Indian to black. Sorry, to Black.

  4. Im also not sure what Putin is going to do with our POWs when he takes Kiev. You know, the American troops who have been targeting his cities so Ukranians could kill his citizens at the touch of a button?

    We’ve already seen how good Pedo is at negotiating hostage deals.

    But he might be best served by keeping them.

    They have technical skills that we cant rapidly replace.

    The Russains have some experience with this.

    They crippled the vaunted Luftwaffe before Stalingrad by killing their mechanics, not their pilots…

  5. They’ve pushed the porcelain handle, now it’s time for the plunger!
    Here’s hoping that the wax ring hits the filthy, old bastard in the back of the head at the end!

  6. here is a few notables that Dumbbell biden has planned for the United States.
    Biden’s proposals, drawn from the transcript of the president’s press conference:

    Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.
    Stop all deportation.
    End prosecution of illegal border crossers.
    Support the deadly sanctuary cities.
    Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.
    Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.
    Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.
    Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.
    Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.
    Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.
    Grant work permits for illegal aliens.
    Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants.
    Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens.
    Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately.
    End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare.
    End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions.
    Grant mass amnesty.
    Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States.
    Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent.
    Abolish law enforcement as we know it.
    End cash bail.
    Abolish completely the death penalty.
    Appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals.
    End mandatory minimums.
    Incentivize prison closure.
    End solitary confinement.
    Free federal housing for former inmates.
    Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.
    Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030.
    Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035.
    Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
    Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years.
    Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide.
    End school choice.
    End tax credit scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states.
    Oppose 14 million Americans with education savings accounts and get rid of school choice, having to do with school choice.
    Eliminate school choice in Washington, D.C.
    Abolish all charter schools.
    Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods.
    Abolish educational standards.
    Abolish the suburbs with AFFH regulations.
    They’re going to rip down the wall.


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