Breitbart: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has come out in full force, as it does every year, to attempt to dissuade Americans from eating turkey on Thanksgiving.
Every year, the activist group uses a variety of methods on social media to guilt meat-eating Americans out of enjoying a succulent and juicy Thanksgiving staple, urging them to opt for an alternative vegan option instead. This year was no exception.
Here are PETA’s top five attempts to discourage Americans from indulging in a deep-fried or oven-roasted Butterball.
1. PETA likened turkeys to American citizens by posting a picture of the bird behind an American flag and calling the creatures “Winged Americans.”
The organization wrote, “Every American deserves the freedom to live without being abused and killed.”
“Respect your fellow Americans by celebrating a #VeganThanksgiving,” PETA added. It remains unclear if the organization believes the unalienable rights acknowledged in the U.S. Constitution should extend to our feathered friends: MORE
All people eat everyday; several times. Why do these activists choose one day out of the year to castigate us on our meal choices? They probably hate Thanksgiving because we are celebrating America and freedom.
It worked. I won’t eat PETA anymore.
Send them a couple bottles of Trump wine and glasses with STFU engraved on ’em!
Enjoy your soy while I savor this succulent oven roasted turkey.
I’m doing this for you because you are so brave and wonderful.
PETA people should start to acknowledge that plants have lives too and start eating rocks sprinkled with sand to help bring out the taste. After all what did plants ever do to them.
I took a turkey to to the Longhorn Barbecue and had it smoked and will pick it up this morning in time for Thanksgiving dinner at my sons house this afternoon. And I’m buying some barbecue sauce as well just because. We’re going to have a great dinner and not a vegan (or pagan) in sight. Happy Thanksgiving everyone and my daughter and I are making challah this morning, a Thanksgiving tradition I started back in 1976 when I was dating my future wife.
We caved. We’re having duck.
t-bone at our home today.
Barbecued ribs and tater salad with a store bought cherry pie….AND the snow finally got here!….perfect day to drink bloody mary’s and cook!….God is good!….
Maybe it would be better for them to hunt eagle or condor.
@Willysgoatgruff…..We got blizzard warnings here in the Black hills starting friday night. Up to 2 feet poss. in deadwood. I woke up to high wind this am in RC. You expecting a lot of snow?
I’m a huge PETA supporter! People Eating Tasty Animals!!!
@ Charlie WalksonWater….Nah, maybe a couple of inches but it covers up winters browns. It also makes it impossible to do things outside that I’ve been meaning to do…..
I’ll have what they’re not having.
Thanksgiving, a holiday celebrating the slaughter of indigenous peoples, by slaughtering innocent turkeys.
Just to be on the right side of the left , as well as islam, we had both turkey & ham…