“F**king Weirdos”: Southwest Pilot Caught On Hot Mic In Expletive-Filled Rant About Bay Area – IOTW Report

“F**king Weirdos”: Southwest Pilot Caught On Hot Mic In Expletive-Filled Rant About Bay Area

ZeroHedge-A Southwest Airlines pilot is in hot water after he was heard delivering an expletive-filled rant about residents of the Bay Area, according to travel site One Mile at a Time.

Recorded March 12 by the San Jose International Airport’s traffic control scanner and archived online at Live ATC, the pilot says “Fuck this place, goddamn liberal fucks.” more here

40 Comments on “F**king Weirdos”: Southwest Pilot Caught On Hot Mic In Expletive-Filled Rant About Bay Area

  1. “FAA regulations prohibit airline pilots from talking about subjects that are unrelated to safely conducting their flight while taxiing and while flying below 10,000 feet altitude,”

    Yeah, I’m sure no other pilots do that sh*t.

  2. He means driving a big ol diesel pick em’ up truck. When you hit the gas pedal, a big black cloud of soot comes out of the exhaust pipes that looks like you’re burning coal on an old timey locomotive train.

  3. “FAA regulations prohibit airline pilots from talking about subjects that are unrelated to safely conducting their flight while taxiing and while flying below 10,000 feet altitude,”

    It’s especially frowned upon if they’re inebriated.

  4. TN Tuxedo, I had to explain that reference to my husband. Lol. Now he wants to watch the movie.

    Wish this guy flew out of our area. I’d schedule my flights to be in that plane.

  5. Yup!
    Visited there back about 15 years ago, traveling out of Vegas.
    We weren’t aware there was an ass-pirate parade that day.
    We got out just ahead of the gayness.

  6. …I wonder how often airline pilots wish they were bomber pilots instead.

    …I bet THIS guy does, every time he flies in there, and a fine Biblical end that would be for the place, too.

    …just make sure Pelosi’s home at the time…

  7. …hey, you know that “Bad Song” thing we’ve been doing? Take bad song “We Built This City” and localize it for SF…

    “We felch this City,
    We felch this City and lick asshole”

    …could work for the Chamber of Commerce, at least from a “Truth In Advertising” way…

  8. For decades the only part of the absolutely nauseatingly bad We Built This City I heard was “We buil-“ because I’d leap for the mute button.
    Not too long ago I actually saw the entire video. Whew! I had no idea how bad the whole thing was.

  9. The truth offends the post-modernists, so their only recourse is to destroy people with whom they disagree. This was an “inside” recording that would never be known to most people except for the vile twit who couldn’t get over be “offended.”

    Back in the day, we’d have called the guy a tattle tale, a rat fink, a snitch baby. Now he’s lauded among his virtue-signalling peers for being “courageous.” Bah!

  10. I used to visit SF regularly, my brother and niece both went to college there. On one of my last trips I was with my mother and aunt we were staying at the Holliday Inn at California and Van Ness.

    I get up at about 05:00 daily and left them sleeping and took the laundry to a laundry mat and when I looked out a guy had a crow bar and was prying open mail boxes and stealing the mail, opening it and going through it for valuables and throwing the envelopes on the ground.

    So when I get back to the hotel I tells me ol’ mom and aunt (God rest their souls): I have to run down to Nordstrom real quick and turn in this credit card I took off a thief after I mashed him over the head with a leg off a broken traffic barrier for threatening me with a crow bar (which explained to their satisfaction the blood on my shirt).

    So later that day I gets me a call on my cellular phone from the manager at Nordstrom inviting me to stop by and pick up a gift cert. That was about 15 years ago. It was such a shithole even then that when I visited I had my wrist watch locked up in the hotel safe when I checked in and wore an old manual wind Elgin until I checked out.

    I used to thoroughly enjoy SF, you couldn’t pay me to visit there today. I miss the food though.

  11. Was an Army recruiter in SF during the early 70’s. Lot of cars had “Save the Whales”, “No Nukes”, and “I brake for animals” bumper stickers.

    One day saw an old, beat up 4WD Ford pickup with Alabama plates on the Nimitz Fwy. Had two new bumper stickers on the tailgate.



  12. …I’ve carried a radio and used vehicle mounted radios on different jobs for many years, and I can tell you that hot mic moments aren’t limited to politicians and pilots. Even with PTT radios you need to be aware that they can be live, just from someone sitting up against something or puts a clipboard on a switch, and you’re live on the air.

    I’ve been cursed with a distinctive voice, so everyone knows it’s me even when I call radio show, so I’m SUPER careful about such things, but I learned it when my comms were public record and available on the nearest scanner, so yeah, I’m microphone conscious.

    But some folks aren’t.

    I’ve known people to get fired for sitting against a chair that pushed their radio button as they held forth in colorful terms about a boss, people who have held the mic a bit long as they completed a transmission with their call sign then told a partner what an asshole the dispatcher was, even a guy that was led into talking in crude terms about what he wanted to sexually do to a female co-worker as the comedian who started the conversation DELIBERATELY held a mic on at his side so EVERYONE could enjoy it, especially HR and his wife later when she found out why he got sacked.

    So you ALWAYS need to be aware of microphones, and NEVER be complacent about them.

    ESPECIALLY if you use them professionally every day. Easy to forget it’s a party line to the Hate Police, but that’s just what it IS…

  13. Give that pilot the Presidential Medal of Freedom!

    When Civ War 2.0 happens, that pilot will be thankful he no longer has to fly into that fly-blown Third World shithole. Southwest will just rearrange their routes a little and ditch all the PC bullshit.

  14. I spent the day waiting for a moving truck at a condo in San Franfreako on Tuesday as a favor to my son and his wife whose furniture was to be picked up. That pilot is completely accurate. What a filthy freak parade. It’s an open air insane asylum. And that building was in a “good” area. I had a massive headache by the time I left.

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