FL Sheriff: ‘Not a Day Goes By That We All Don’t Arrest A Lot of Illegal Aliens’ Who Are ‘Preying’ on People – IOTW Report

FL Sheriff: ‘Not a Day Goes By That We All Don’t Arrest A Lot of Illegal Aliens’ Who Are ‘Preying’ on People

Breitbart: On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Polk County, FL Sheriff Grady Judd stated that illegal immigrants committing felonies is a phenomenon that is at an epidemic level “across the United States. There’s not a day goes by that we all don’t arrest a lot of illegal aliens that are out here preying on the people in this country.”

Judd was asked about his prior comments that illegal immigrants committing felonies are an “epidemic.” He said, “It is at that level across the United States. There’s not a day goes by that we all don’t arrest a lot of illegal aliens that are out here preying on the people in this country. And they’re committing felonies, violent felonies, and they’re trafficking in narcotics. And if that’s not enough, we deport them, they come back, and pick up doing the same thing again.”  read more

8 Comments on FL Sheriff: ‘Not a Day Goes By That We All Don’t Arrest A Lot of Illegal Aliens’ Who Are ‘Preying’ on People

  1. The mayor of Hartford, Conn. is convinced that illegal aliens cause no crime in his city.
    Then there is the law from Florida, says they do nothing else,
    The mayor of Hartford has his head buried where it is very dark and smelly.

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